I've been looking around for a 32" LED TV for my bedroom, It'll mostly be used for my HTPC. Looking around I've nailed it down to these two tvs.
The Sony KDL-32EX520 KDL-32EX520 (KDL32EX520, KDL32EX520BAEP) : Overview : TV & home cinema : Sony
or the
Samsung UA32EH5006 Support for UA32EH5006M
The Sony is available for $700 while the samsung is available for $630. (This is New Zealand Dollars)
Looking around I can't find anything bad for me about either TV, the Sony has reduced file compatibility when playing files through network or usb compared to the Samsung but although that'd be useful I doubt I'll use it much so I'm not too bothered about it. I'm leaning towards Sony just because of the Brand. And the fact Samsung had that whole capacitor issue not too long ago kind of puts me off them.
What do you guys think, Sony or Samsung?
The Sony KDL-32EX520 KDL-32EX520 (KDL32EX520, KDL32EX520BAEP) : Overview : TV & home cinema : Sony
or the
Samsung UA32EH5006 Support for UA32EH5006M
The Sony is available for $700 while the samsung is available for $630. (This is New Zealand Dollars)
Looking around I can't find anything bad for me about either TV, the Sony has reduced file compatibility when playing files through network or usb compared to the Samsung but although that'd be useful I doubt I'll use it much so I'm not too bothered about it. I'm leaning towards Sony just because of the Brand. And the fact Samsung had that whole capacitor issue not too long ago kind of puts me off them.
What do you guys think, Sony or Samsung?