Sony led v/s panasonic plasma


May 20, 2012
I like pq of SONY 40 EX650 AND panasonic 42UT50. I have shortlisted these 2 tv's, But:

1. I've heard in lot of customers, complaining of sony not attending the complaints raised by customers in case of any panel faults(even within the 1st year warranty period). Is it true, has any of our forum members experienced the same.

2. Eventhough i like panasonic in terms of picture quality, i am bit aphrehensive in buying a plasma, since in my house my mother is using the tv all the time( she is not knowledgable & she cannot learn how to use a plasma tv safely without avoiding burn-in and image-rentention).

Considering points 1 and 2, which tv do you recommend for me.
I like pq of SONY 40 EX650 AND panasonic 42UT50. I have shortlisted these 2 tv's, But:

1. I've heard in lot of customers, complaining of sony not attending the complaints raised by customers in case of any panel faults(even within the 1st year warranty period). Is it true, has any of our forum members experienced the same.

2. Eventhough i like panasonic in terms of picture quality, i am bit aphrehensive in buying a plasma, since in my house my mother is using the tv all the time( she is not knowledgable & she cannot learn how to use a plasma tv safely without avoiding burn-in and image-rentention).

Considering points 1 and 2, which tv do you recommend for me.

Since you will not be able to take care of plasma, it would be better to go with LED/LCD TV.
Regarding the other issue of Sony not attending the panel faults, I honestly do not have the full answer. There could be some cases (as pointed out in where Sony would have given poor service for panel related issues. At the same time, I know about one case where my friend had his panel replaced (SONY EX520) within one month of his purchase. Of course he had some delay in getting the service done from Sony. As far as other non-panel related issues are concerned, I see Sony acting fastly. I have a Sony CRT TV and I got one capacitor replaced on the same day when I raised the complaint. Again, this was outside the warranty period. I think you have touched the nerve and raised the most important question which I beleive most of Indian cosumers suffer at the hands all major brands. I hope that users in this forum can really help you in sharing their experience with pannel replacement services from Sony. A very sorry state of affairs for consumers whose panels faulted within few months of their purchase.
Get the sony 40ex650, its a good tv, Also your usage conditions require an LED tv and plasma will definitely result in burn-in as your mother will also use it and not to forget the massive reflections problem.
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