If you must buy a HTIB on a budget in India, there is nothing out there to beat the Pioneer HTP-822ES. You can get one for as low as 54K. This is a system strictly for HT. Music performance is just average. What is going for the system is a very good supplied receiver and sub woofer. The main front speakers incorporate passive radiators too, though this is something where the effectiveness is entirely on the design of the speaker. As for features, it has all the bells and whistles like network, Air Play, remote control via phone app. This is an outstanding system for the money. The supplied sub woofer is better than the one's that come with some of their front firing sub woofer models with Todoroki.
HTP ES33TB is the similar model sold in the UAE but the sub woofer is nowhere as good as the model that comes in India.
Separates are the way to go for HT. If budget is a constraint, you can't beat this Pioneer.