Any suggestions which (B) speakers are good (bookshelf/Tower) for Onkyo 3300/3400
Was fortunate to have Denom and Spirovious drop by today on their way to an audition nearby.
Spirovious was carrying his Tannoy F1 BS and Centre along, and we hooked it up to my Onkyo 3400 to see the difference. I felt a huge improvement to the way music sounds in direct and stereo mode - richer, fuller and much better separation. Denom however, was of the opinion that towers would do better justice to heavier styles of music like metal/hard rock on this receiver.
I haven't tried out any other B speaker options, but going by today's experience, it is certainly worthwhile to hunt for a (B) option for music on the 3400. Would welcome any suggestions within a 12-15 k budget.
The Tannoy Centre made a significant difference to movie dialogues, but cant complain about the stock 3400 Centre for my requirements.
Also, thanks to Spiro's suggestion, turned the Sub on its side to be forward firing and the bass has cleaned up beautifully. Give it a try!