sony x85j vs sony x80j


Active Member
Mar 12, 2017
Hi all,

i was looking for a new tv in the market.i initially was planning to go for x80j but was dissapointed to find that its IPS.However the reason i am now considering x85j is what i saw at the offline retailer.

The x85j looked brighter and the x80j seemed a bit less bright when compared.i was almost set at the x85j but later seeing you tube videos i can underatand that the x80j has punchier colours and i can now relate to what i saw too.

since x85j 55 inch cost is same as x80j 65 inch and i am torn between the two.x85j being a va panel,and my current sony being one i love the blacks of the va panel.

but still the 65 inch size is tempting.since we have many videophiles(if i may say that) here i would like to get your views regarding x80j and the 85jbefore making the purchase to make a decision.i really dont know how the x80j will do in normal situations.

pls note:- looking around i also see the lg oled A1 smwhr close to this but then due to burn in concerns going with the sony ones.
the reason i ask is because some reviews state that the colours on the x80j gets messed up on increasing brightness.
To be honest, X85J is a bit on the high side comparitively. Go for A1 lg OLED if your only fear is permanent image retention and not regarding it being dimmer, you have direct reflections and that it crushes blacks and it has some blueish tone that OLED haters report every now and then, which I don't observe at all. PIR will only happen after say 5 years of continuous abusing of static content or if you hard switch off frequently after cumulative usage of many hours with logos, marquees and watermarked content, not letting the TV to auto refresh pixels or if you are leaving the tv on with same content not using screen savers or auto power off energy savings feature and that kind of I'll treating the poor child.

Sony TVs below 9000 series is not going to tick all the boxes, But X85J has 120 hertz refresh rate I think and is a highly recommended TV set in recent times. But if you put a little more X90j is all yours!
To be honest, X85J is a bit on the high side comparitively. Go for A1 lg OLED if your only fear is permanent image retention and not regarding it being dimmer, you have direct reflections and that it crushes blacks and it has some blueish tone that OLED haters report every now and then, which I don't observe at all. PIR will only happen after say 5 years of continuous abusing of static content or if you hard switch off frequently after cumulative usage of many hours with logos, marquees and watermarked content, not letting the TV to auto refresh pixels or if you are leaving the tv on with same content not using screen savers or auto power off energy savings feature and that kind of I'll treating the poor child.

Sony TVs below 9000 series is not going to tick all the boxes, But X85J has 120 hertz refresh rate I think and is a highly recommended TV set in recent times. But if you put a little more X90j is all yours!
ha ha yes.this litte more itch bought me to x85j.what you said is still on my mind.they quoted some 1.23l for x90j.but if i go tillthat i could also go for x85j 65 inch as i srsly love the bigger one and i have the space.but then again the exorbitant price is what i am concerned about if i may call it that.

LG A1 is on my radar but the inly thing that i am concerned about is the burn in and /image retention.i dont know how bad that is.the lg A1 is really consumption would be totally firestick cable or dish.but the PIR really scares me.
ha ha yes.this litte more itch bought me to x85j.what you said is still on my mind.they quoted some 1.23l for x90j.but if i go tillthat i could also go for x85j 65 inch as i srsly love the bigger one and i have the space.but then again the exorbitant price is what i am concerned about if i may call it that.

LG A1 is on my radar but the inly thing that i am concerned about is the burn in and /image retention.i dont know how bad that is.the lg A1 is really consumption would be totally firestick cable or dish.but the PIR really scares me.
How many hours of TV do you use every day?
i have a ques:-
i currently own a sony KDL 42W650A.It looks ok to me PQ wise.
i have compared x80j and x85j at a dealers with the 80j being ips and the other one VA.

my budget as of now is 1lakh and for this i can get 65 inch of 80j or the 55 inch of x85j.This is the confusion why i am still dithering since i will always prefer the bigger one viz., 65 inch.

The viewing distance in my room is around 5-6ft from the tv.

Also i dont game and probably dont need the 120HZ panel.

What my real concern is the PQ since reviews claim its terrible for x80j.

This is where my current tv cms into the picture.if the KDL-W650A is same ips and the x80J too is then i may not bother.

could anybody who has the x80j or seen both help me out here?
Size of screen trumps better contrast when you compare two LEDs. But if compared to an OLED, a smaller screened OLED is as good an experience as buying 20" bigger screen size atleast. 80j will have better wide viewing angles and would be better for all round viewing. 85j might be good for gaming and cinema though but 55" is not desirable.
Size of screen trumps better contrast when you compare two LEDs. But if compared to an OLED, a smaller screened OLED is as good an experience as buying 20" bigger screen size atleast. 80j will have better wide viewing angles and would be better for all round viewing. 85j might be good for gaming and cinema though but 55" is not desirable.
i will be viewing from the front and i dont think viewing angle is of any concern to me major consumption is OTT viz netflix,appletv,prime x80j better for that?
If your budget is around 1 lakh, why don't you consider an OLED. I know presently few 55" LG BX/B1/A1 OLEDs are pricing just over 1 lakh. But pretty soon the price will be dropping as the 2022 models are just about to come.
If your budget is around 1 lakh, why don't you consider an OLED. I know presently few 55" LG BX/B1/A1 OLEDs are pricing just over 1 lakh. But pretty soon the price will be dropping as the 2022 models are just about to come.
just the burn in/image retention.
nothing else or i would have readily gone for oled
just the burn in.nothing else or i would have readily gone for oled
You said you are not a gamer. And even if you do also, casual gaming can't harm an OLED panel. It needs a tough torture to get a burn in on the panel. Even static content like channel logos or info bars are not going to make it a burn in victim. There are user guidelines to follow for OLEDs. I think you are too much scared of a burn in scenario. You can reach out to some of the experts on this forum. They surely can make you feel better with proper technical knowledge.
You said you are not a gamer. And even if you do also, casual gaming can't harm an OLED panel. It needs a tough torture to get a burn in on the panel. Even static content like channel logos or info bars are not going to make it a burn in victim. There are user guidelines to follow for OLEDs. I think you are too much scared of a burn in scenario. You can reach out to some of the experts on this forum. They surely can make you feel better with proper technical knowledge.
no i am not a gamer.not even and football matches which has those scoreboards.that wud be my max usage.and my niece may watch cartoons.thats it.if that doesnt cause image retention/burn in i am fine
my budget as of now is 1lakh and for this i can get 65 inch of 80j or the 55 inch of x85j.This is the confusion why i am still dithering since i will always prefer the bigger one viz., 65 inch.
One of our members here @RoadSurfer had managed to score a brilliant deal during Diwali. He bought the X90J 65 incher for 1.2 lakhs.

It won't be easy to get that at this price now but I think you should be able to buy a 65 inch X85J for a little over a lakh. Negotiate hard by pitting stores against each other.
One of our members here @RoadSurfer had managed to score a brilliant deal during Diwali. He bought the X90J 65 incher for 1.2 lakhs.

It won't be easy to get that at this price now but I think you should be able to buy a 65 inch X85J for a little over a lakh. Negotiate hard by pitting stores against each other.
wow thats an awsome deal.problem is here not many stores stock x85j.only one or two have it.its either x80j and then pitting them against each other is a problem
went ahead and finally purchased a sony x80j.Wasnt comfortable with purchasing oled online.regarding x85j i dont know why but the colour seems a bit washed out on dth when played side by side with may be the good brightness of x85j but somethings off like the pq of samsung tvs in the 2013-14 era.i was leaning more towards x85j due to the va panel and the refresh rate and the flush bezel design but this was the one thing that was constantly bugging me and hence picked x80j.Thanks everyone here who helped me with their valuable comments
went ahead and finally purchased a sony x80j.Wasnt comfortable with purchasing oled online.regarding x85j i dont know why but the colour seems a bit washed out on dth when played side by side with may be the good brightness of x85j but somethings off like the pq of samsung tvs in the 2013-14 era.i was leaning more towards x85j due to the va panel and the refresh rate and the flush bezel design but this was the one thing that was constantly bugging me and hence picked x80j.Thanks everyone here who helped me with their valuable comments

Congrats on your purchase.

x80aj/80j is on my shortlist as well. More details on you deciding factor/review will help me a lot in taking the final call.

Can you also share how much you got it for and from where?
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Congrats on your purchase.

x80aj/80j is on my shortlist as well. More details on you deciding factor/review will help me a lot in taking the finial call.

Can you also share how much you got it for and from where?
my dilemma was between x85j and x80j.
Prices quoted were x85j - 90k(this was the best quote i got near my place) x80j -78k(got it by showing them the amazon offer in republic day sales)

My take:-

Design:- looks really good.very thin bezel compred to x80j.will provide a more inmersive exp.

Picture quality:-

DTH content: Watched home alone on star moies HD at the shop.The picture on the X85j is less punchy than the x80j.
What one will feel is that there some kind of a whitening or a hazy white splashed on the screen.This is pronounced where bright morning images arent there.Say a dusk type video light will have like a white something pulled over it.You can understand what i am saying by watching this video comparison here on you tube

In this video you will feel the exact same thing and believe me in person its the same.

However moving to 4K or HDR content its a treat to watch the day scenes on x85J.Here if you compare a day scene between the x80j and x85j you will feel that the place shown in the video on x85j is having say a noon time but the same image on the x80j will feel like its evening time there.This is the level of brightness difference between the two(pls note i made them set both tvs to standard setting).

Another 4k content played with dark scenes had more detail on the subjects in the image on the x85j compared to the x80j mainly due to the heightened brightness on the x85j.

Brightness wise - X85j clear winner


Here the x85j is a bit on the iffy side.This will depend purely on personal preference to an extent.The X85j has less punchy colours.The reason could be that due to the brightness levels on the x85j its somehow unable to manage when a bright and less bright image is on the screen to an extent that it brightens up both in effect giving a kind of more white feeling.Its exactly similar to Samsung Joy or other samsung fhd series during 2013-14 compared to similar Sony fhd series.I had felt similar while viewing same video on both sony and a samsung while demoing for a tv then.

I dont know if the VA panel from samsung is the culprit here but i can assure you that in most 4k content this will not be of much concern.Its just that the punchy colours of sony is missing greatly in x85j in some places.

Here the x80j excels albeit losing on the brightness and detail end.The x80j has black crush where the details that the x85j manages to show effortlessly vanishes on the x80j.

But the punchiness or more sharp pq feeling of the x80j is what sealed the deal for me because i always opt for sony due to its pefect colour or its punchy colour.

Contrast: There is no argument here at all.The x85j wind hands down.However this doesnt mean that the blacks on the x80j looks grey or has that slight green tint you may see on some other IPS panels in the market.Sony on the x80j has done a great job to manage the black levels on the x80j considering that its an IPS panel.

But if you are a gamer or want higher refresh rates etc please select x85j but if colour punchiness is what you need stay clear of it.I will suggest you watch the video link i posted above above and if you feel that x85j looks good to you compared to the x80j then definitly go for it.

What made me stick to x80j is simply the colour and a kind of sharper image on the x80j compared to x85j playing the same content.

If you are mainly only into OTT and/or HDR+ and Dolby vision cotent x85j could be better provided you dont yearn for the colour punchiness that is there on the sony x80j.It truly baffles me as to why a cheaper tv like x80j has better colours than the x85j.

Please feel free to ask if you have any doubts.Actually i can understand your dilemma as i too was having a lot of confusion between the two and i was more inclined towards the x85j.
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Hi all,

i was looking for a new tv in the market.i initially was planning to go for x80j but was dissapointed to find that its IPS.However the reason i am now considering x85j is what i saw at the offline retailer.

The x85j looked brighter and the x80j seemed a bit less bright when compared.i was almost set at the x85j but later seeing you tube videos i can underatand that the x80j has punchier colours and i can now relate to what i saw too.

since x85j 55 inch cost is same as x80j 65 inch and i am torn between the two.x85j being a va panel,and my current sony being one i love the blacks of the va panel.

but still the 65 inch size is tempting.since we have many videophiles(if i may say that) here i would like to get your views regarding x80j and the 85jbefore making the purchase to make a decision.i really dont know how the x80j will do in normal situations.

pls note:- looking around i also see the lg oled A1 smwhr close to this but then due to burn in concerns going with the sony ones.
Both will do great. No doubt x85j will do better than x80j but also it costs lot more
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