SOUNDFOUNDATIONS - new website launch

Congrats Magma.... Looks very good....

Juz one feedback on image gallery for client pics & custom builds.. You may consider thumbnail images left & right side's of he screen than at the bottom of the page...

Someone were on the page, good chances they might not scroll down and look @ all the images...
hey guys ^^^^
thank you al for your support
very much appreciated

P.S elangos
i thought of that

but the wordpress theme is not gonna allow that
'Ctrl' J ........ the text! Please.
The LHS looks uniform, the same should be on the RHS too.
My 2 phooti kuaris. :)

'Ctrl' J ........ the text! Please.

is this spell check ?

Justify your text .... Which I agree .....valid suggestion ..... plus your home page took ages to load .....

I took a similar venture, though on home entertainment servers and NAS ...

soundlabstech-1 .......
Justified text is difficult to read and it is proved (you can google). But the text on the website is not much, you can try it.
Most likely because on seeing the price people will not even want to enquire sometimes, thereby putting a end to sale right there. However if they visit the showroom to enquire the price, the chances of converting it to sale by the sales person is higher.

I would beg to differ on this point. In this present age driven by technology and on-line buying frenzy , not quoting the prices online will simply result in the customer moving on to another site losing interes .Atleast I feel the same . I hunt for products online and see the price, if I think its within my power to buy I call and enquire. If I don't even know the price why would I bother calling ?

Please note that your potential customers are not the general public shopping on flipkart/snapdeal..Its a niche clientele who know what they are buying and knowing what kind of improvement it gives them in their overall experience .

Just my 2 cents
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