Source for my Marantz PM5004 setup


New Member
Dec 20, 2011

I recently purchased marantz PM5004 and Dali Ikon 2 speakers. I'm currently using my ipod nano 6th gen as the source . I've converted some FLAC files to Apple lossless format and loaded it in my ipod.

I'm thinking of getting a good source for my setup, but on a budget. The following are the options that I can currently think of.

1. HM601 MP3 player
2. HRT USB music streamer II
3. COWON MP3 player ( whichever model is best)

I'm a lot confused at selecting my source. My music collection is a mixture of MP3's, audio CDs and FLACs.

Please advise if any of the options are good. Please also advise if there is a better option.
I use cowon s9 with my pm6003. It works wonders for me and will suffice till i can get the budget for a good DAC.

Cowon plays FLAC files so you need not convert them to any other format. I would assume there won't be a lot of difference between HM601 and Cowon since you're just amplifying whatever their internal DACs are pumping out.

Music Streamer II might be something worth investing on. But like everyone would say, you need to listen to your ears. Try to get an audition with a good CDP, a good quality MP3 player and an HRT DAC. If you can loan the last 2 items from someone, it can be easily set up in any amp or speaker dealer.
Have not heard the HRT (it is very high on my buy list)... but, i don't think it has any other connection but USB meant for the PC. If you want to use iPod, you need a iPod DAC which digitally extracts lossless from it. For, audio CDs, a dedicated CDP is a no brainer. For FLACs, depends, through PC - HRT, or a digital music player like Logitech Squeezebox (I am using Touch - excellent sound quality and a high end DAC at a later stage will do wonders)

I recently purchased marantz PM5004 and Dali Ikon 2 speakers. I'm currently using my ipod nano 6th gen as the source . I've converted some FLAC files to Apple lossless format and loaded it in my ipod.

@Shankar: What's wrong with using iPod Nano & mp3/lossless files as sources? The iPod's internal DAC quality is nowhere close to standalone DACs, but it's not bad either. I don't have "audiophile grade" ears but my iPod sounds really good to me with AIFF files! I am soon going to be in a similar situation with iPod Classic >amp >BS speakers and I wonder if the iPod is all I need, altogether avoiding a CDP. I use AIFF format files now and they all come from my audio CDs, so my music as pristine as it can get! Why not do the same with your music - uncompressed AIFF with tags?
Hi Shankar, I use this route:
iPod Nano > Marantz CD6003 > Marantz PM5004> Speaker. This is more convenient way but not that audiophile bcoz iPod's internal DAC is average.

Following things are coming to my mind at this point. I don't think you need another TRANSPORT to read your music files. With your existing iPod you have these options:

1) iPod > Dock > Amp > Speaker. I feel an 'iPod-to-RCA cable' or a docking station bypasses the crappy headphone output jack and allows you to connect to the main port of the iPod, and then run the RCA inputs into your stereo.

But if you want to use the iPod only as a transport then follow:
2) iPod > Wadia iTransport > DAC > Amp > Speaker. Wadia bypasses the iPod internal DAC.

3) Another option would be to get a squeezebox. It reads iTunes library and all apple loss-less files perfectly. It's a good product with a decent inbuilt DAC.

4) plug your iPod to a Marantz CD6003 USB port. (I can use it's remote to traverse iPod tracks, very convenient.). This route will give you a decent CD player from Marantz.
Am in a similar boat, currently using legacy CD player and my laptop as source.

I am planning to get the Sansa Clip +(considering all the good reviews it has) as a source playing FLAC files, my question here is how much difference will there be with a dedicated DAC with something like the Fiio E7 or the NuForce uDac or a better DAC is needed to notice a major difference?
The Sansa Clip sounds neutral compared to the nuforce through its h/p out or stereo analog out. However, there is a substantial difference in gain where udac has an advantage.
It also depends on the rest of your set up. On my powered 5.1 computer speakers, both sound quite good. On my stereo rig, the difference is marked and I feel the Sansa is inadequate. For that matter, even the bass bloat of the udac is more evident and I prefer the cd6003.
I second the squeezebox depending upon the budget the OP has. Setting up a nas is not to difficult or costly, if just for sqbx server

Tapatalk ka jalwa !!!
+1 for squeezebox. have mine connected with a seagate 1 tb hdd. the sound is comparable to budget CDP, but will still not beat a medium end CDP unless partnered with a good dac.
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