I upgraded from MA Silver to Aria 926 (in a Room of 18x14); the treble in MA Silver is quite fatiguing , quite better in focal 926. Aria 926 are quite good speakers over MA Silver. I am skeptical of Dali Opticon , because Dali Helicon failed to impress me in many departments while I was auditioning. MA Platinum or Newer Gold is definitely better option.
Focal is more full bodied sound and on the warmer side . The bass was really amazing and I didn't feel the need to use the subwoofer for music listening at least. Upgrading itch bit me , I got B&W 804 D3 after Focals recently. (I was Considering ATC SCM40 or 8xx series in B&W or Higher end Focal, or SF). I have heard Dynaudio Emit 30s, nothing very impressive to write about, Excite x38 May be a better upgrade I believe. Excite x38 vs Aria 926 maybe a close call. Dynaudio usually need high current amplification, though Aria 926 are easy to drive on than dynaudio, but they really shine with high quality amplification. They gelled very well with Parasound a21 , but they did sound decent enough with Crown XLS 2502 as well. Do factor in the power amp part when you are looking to upgrade.
Focal 926 need a bigger Room, though need 3 ft from back wall, but the manual has some good ideas on Placement very near to the back wall.
Teckton DI, Saadhanas are on HFV Classifieds consider buying them if budget permits.
Note of Caution: as you go higher with speakers you will start noticing lots of deficiencies in up stream electronics, and you need to budget that too. Smaller things like Cables and isolators start mattering.
You can take my Aria 926 for Home audition, I am being Lazy to put them on Sale (Or greedy to keep them for HT after renovation or 2nd Room Setup

). but without a correct amplification at your place , you may not perceive its true strengths. PM 8006 should drive Aria 926 adequately, I have tried with Rega 50wpc, PSA Sprout etc , a good PA (at least a Crown ) is advisable.
Naah, i just have a Speaker & DAC Fetish
Unfortunately I haven't heard them , but from the reviews they seem to be pretty good contenders.
technically yes, but somehow they were pretty warm to the extent of overwhelming Bass in my setup. Focal have an excellent dispersion and good imaging. I Upgraded the spikes to Isoacoustics Gaia 3s , Transparent audio Speaker Cables, that might have been the reason for extra Warmth.
Focal Aria 926 serves these genre very well, other option is ATC Scm40 or Magnepen with musical subwoofers