Speakers : Budget 600k - 700k

Yes reignofchaos I am looking at buying the pass labs NP 20 preamp and pass labs XA 100.5 power amps .. Source is undecided at present
Most double blind study have not shown any detectable difference in sound quality by change of power amp (as long as it is not clipping). So be careful with people who claim a more expensive amp will sound better. Read AES and Harmon research papers.

Pre amp can make a difference as they can shape the music by various tone controls. By the way unless you intend to use MC input from TT there is no value for separate pre amp. Read up on why separate pre amps were created. Buy integrated amp instead. They safeguard your signal quality much better from outside influences.
Flash, try and hear the new Rethm Saadhanas. They are among the finest speakers I have heard, regardless of price. I have personally owned speakers ranging from USD 10000 to USD 30000. Also over the years have heard many high end speakers. I can confidently say the Rethm Saadhanas will not be shamed by any. The Saadhanas will be well within your budget. You might even be able to manage a Gaanam amp in that budget. Listen to them if you can and see if they float your boat
FM Bhagwan had earlier wanted to sell his TAD standmounts. Wonder if he is still wanting to sell.

I would also take auditions of Rethm, Blumenhofer and Joseph Audio.
Also consider Line Magnetic. Check with FM Sameer Kumar of Hyderabad for Line Magnetic. He has a great pair.
If you have the right setup like Super highend speakers and good DAC it will be very clear that you will say that all sound different.

There are even situations when we have changed 20 cables one by one the difference was very evident.

Everything will make a difference. The paper by Harman is not wrong but its for entry level audiophiles. Once they get experience their listening maturity will increase. Im not debating here or else everybody will not buy highend setups. Many buy highend amps even by comparing with their previous amplifiers.

preamp certainly makes difference simple logic: if pre Amp can make difference then Amp also makes difference since the only difference between the pre and power is just the value of power output nothing else.
Not sure which study you are referring to. But NRC Canada, Floyd Toole and Olive, and Boston Acoustic Society and D R Moran have done numerous studies with most expensive systems where amp did not make a difference. you can also read Alan's Forum. He is president and owner of Harbeth.

But if you believe in the hype, I am ok. Even if you don't believe in all the measurements and research about power amps, Please do believe that cables don't make a difference as long as they are properly made with sufficient guage wire. The engineering data and literature is truly enormous in this area.
Not sure which study you are referring to. But NRC Canada, Floyd Toole and Olive, and Boston Acoustic Society and D R Moran have done numerous studies with most expensive systems where amp did not make a difference. you can also read Alan's Forum. He is president and owner of Harbeth.

But if you believe in the hype, I am ok. Even if you don't believe in all the measurements and research about power amps, Please do believe that cables don't make a difference as long as they are properly made with sufficient guage wire. The engineering data and literature is truly enormous in this area.

Dear shkumar

Reading about something and experiencing it first hand are very different . If you ever drop by pune . We can do a double blind test between 2 power amps that I have . I can guarantee that you will be able to pick out 10 times out of 10 which power amp is in play, We will keep the preamp the same
If you don't the amps are yours .
you can also read Alan's Forum. He is president and owner of Harbeth.

And I will agree to Flash's comment as well. I used to own the Harbeth Shl5 for about 3 years that I drove with push pull tube amp., class Ab solid state and sliding class A ss design. Regardless of what Alan Shaw has to say (after all he is selling speakers - so better that he advertises his speakers as amp. friendly), I could tell the difference each and every time. I bet if a blind test was done at that time, I would have identified that an amp. was changed 100% accurately each and every time. I agree that the Shl5 can be driven decently with various amps. but stating that amps. don't make a difference is, well as I stated, IMO just a marketing technique. So unless you have heard whatever is written online personally it is just speculation.
Sorry for the OT, OP.
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I concur with Sidvee and Flash. The way an amp controls the woofer has significant bearing on how it makes the speaker sound. In my experience the difference is quite perceptible.

My Double blind test option is open. Here 2 Monoblocks from 2 completely different companies with similar power rating will be used Keeping the Preamp the same.

I am so confident that the I am not hallucinating about the difference in the sound that i am willing to give the Amps free if the Power amps cannot be distinguished .

I cant think of a better testimony . My amps/ money is on the table , wherein i have more to loose than gain.

No need to put your amplifier on the line. I believe you. We are just trying to share ideas.

But read this. I was here when this controversy was going on and it was a talk in all engineering and even popular press. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Carver

Also read old issues of The Audio Critic magazine. It was subscription supported engineering magazine that was to counter the hype being proposed by all dealer and manufacturer paid magazines like Stereophile and others. These magazines often try to create a hype without outright lying. That is why you often read subjective reviews rather than objective Co prison between two products.

if you would like I can give you numerous other research articles that have looked into it. Or you can google yourself.
It is surprising that questions that were researched and settled in 80s and 90s are resurfacing again. Naim was the company that I believe started this tend in power amps.
It is surprising that questions that were researched and settled in 80s and 90s are resurfacing again. Naim was the company that I believe started this tend in power amps.

Nothing in audio is settled;) Ever!

Does your understanding/belief that all amps sound the same helped you in choosing an amp for yourself? What did you choose? And why?

@Flash: I am tone deaf and cannot make out difference between amps. Can I have one amp please :yahoo: (I'll take whichever is cheaper:))
Nothing in audio is settled;)

@Flash: I am tone deaf and cannot make out difference between amps. Can I have one amp please :yahoo: (I'll take whichever is cheaper:))

Hahahahaha Joshua ... I forgot to put a disclaimer: Tone deaf participants are not allowed for the blind test .
Hahahahaha Joshua ... I forgot to put a disclaimer: Tone deaf participants are not allowed for the blind test .

I would not mind just taking part to listen to the new speakers :)

Ok, enough OT

We want to read a small review of the new speakers whenever they get delivered
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