Speakers for Sonneteer Alabaster


New Member
Jul 31, 2022
I'm new to this channel. Bought an ex-demo Sonneteer Alabaster. This amplifier appears more musical to me than my Leben CS 600X with stock tubes. Leben is a new unit, with less than 30 hr on it. Those who have experience with Alabaster and senior members, what speakers do you suggest to go with it? Current speakers are Falcon LS3/5a gold badge. Thanks in advance
That is already a stellar combination with the Falcon LS3/5a Gold Badge.

You would be very hard pressed to get something better, but if you are looking for options, I would suggest a speaker with a wider frequency range (in the lower frequencies). Graham Audio comes to mind as an easy recommendation. There was a pair of LS5/9 available in the classifieds that I think would go very nicely with the Alabaster.

Good luck with your search!

The sonneteer is a fantastic amp and My guess is your Falcons need more power despite they usual talk of BBC speakers needing less.
Whats your Budget and music preference.
The Soneteer can drive any speaker including ATCs so you are likely to be spoiled for choices based on what you are looking for.
Thanks Nikhil and Arj for your replies.
Budget not decided yet (probably below 2L). I am broke now after Leben and Falcon purchase. Will make a list with your suggestions and try to listen to those.
Listen to any music except classical and jazz. I love anything melody in Malayalam, Tamil, Hindi and English. Read in some UK forums recommending Penaudio, Kudos, Totem, Tannoy Prestige and old Jamo Concert 8 for Alabaster. Is it possible to get the Jamo in excellent condition in India?
I've seen Nikhil's comments on various forums.
Arj you have/ had Leben CS 600? How does it compare to 660x? Which tubes did you prefer - EL34/ 6L6GC or 5881? Small tubes are different, I think. Is it possible to have a listen to your system, when I visit Bangalore next time? Are you a dealer? My son is studying in Bangalore. Love to hear your Kensington and Reimo DAP
Arj you have/ had Leben CS 600? How does it compare to 660x? Which tubes did you prefer - EL34/ 6L6GC or 5881? Small tubes are different, I think. Is it possible to have a listen to your system, when I visit Bangalore next time? Are you a dealer? My son is studying in Bangalore. Love to hear your Kensington and Reimo DAP
I used the 6L6GC as they had more drive. The El34 are more Midrange centric. Let me know next you are in bangalore and happy to host you.
For 2L do look at the Fyne audio speakers....am sure they will do very well.
No I am not a dealer :)
I used the 6L6GC as they had more drive. The El34 are more Midrange centric. Let me know next you are in bangalore and happy to host you.
For 2L do look at the Fyne audio speakers....am sure they will do very well.
No I am not a dealer :)
Thank you Arj for the invitation and suggestion. Shall contact you once I plan my next trip
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