Speakers for YAMAHA Flagship RX-A3050

Look at Jamo C Series too

Jamo C103 can match your requirements.It has 150/300 (shortterm/longterm) RMS power handling and they look great in person.

But are you will be using it as a stereo or expand to 5.1 or 7.1 in near future as i have read test bench for Yamaha 2050 which is rated as 140w(2 channel) and its power goes down dramatically once its is in 7 speaker configuration(57watt pch 2channel driven) even running it as 5 speaker you wont be getting more than 110-120wpch(0.1% distortion) so please consider this in mind while looking for speakers
Yamaha Aventage RX-A2050 A/V Receiver Review Test Bench | Sound & Vision
Congrats on the amp. Great buy. I think your amp should be able to drive any speakers with that kind of power.Usually the problem is the other way around where people look for efficient speakers to drive with lower wattage. I would suggest getting the best speakers you budget allows and as long as you dont go nuts blasting away like a PA system, most speakers will handle it quiet well.
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