Speakers plus amplifier :budget : Rs 3 lakhs

i had done a lot of research and heard a lot of speaker amplifier combos.I finally decided on the KEF R700 speakers and musical fidelity M6i intergrated amplifier and they are amazing!
i had done a lot of research and heard a lot of speaker amplifier combos.I finally decided on the KEF R700 speakers and musical fidelity M6i intergrated amplifier and they are amazing!

At last, You have chosen my favorite speaker in (200k budget), the KEF R700 :clapping::clapping:
Good choice.
You must try out PMC 23 they are just outstanding speakers for pure Stereo music , all depends of what type of music you usually play PMC 23 twitter is outstanding

For Amp my Choice is Marantz reference series
PM 14 S 1

It is real value for money Marantz commands great respect when it comes to music

For your Digital files Blue Sound is great option i do not recommend spending money on CD player
Nice suggestions flowing in.

I don't have enough database to suggest you on speakers / amp etc but one thing I noticed is :" Room Size is 13 by 13 feet."

IMHO a perfect square room like this is an 'Acoustic Disaster' !

Ideally a typical listening room should be in like a shoe box.

Now, given that it is not always possible to change room dimensions or change music room itself, you first need to give considerable thought on room acoustic treatment, in fact it should be your prime concern regardless of what hardware you buy. Consider your room (Acoustic treatment) itself is a component in your Audio setup and budget accordingly.

It is a common observation that 'A mediocre system in well treated room is far better sounding than a top notch system in bad acoustics' , without proper acoustics your investment will go waste.

Read the Bangalore Hifi Show reviews here, nice speakers / hardware could not demonstrate even 30% of their capabilities/potential just because of the Room in which they are playing!

But unfortunately people run after this brand and that brand, keep changing components (and losing money in each such upgrade), while barely realizing that their room itself needs attention first, small changes like speaker placement, simple acoustic fixing is far more effective (and economical too) than going for some exotic brands and cables / snake oil remedies.

Anyway, it is only after allocating enough funds for The Room, one can move on to (in this particular order.):

  1. Speakers
  2. Source
  3. Amp
  4. Cables

Speakers could be the ultimate deal breakers / makers in this case. This is the component that has maximum impact , this single component will decide the fate of the system at the end. So max out on speakers first. Select a speaker that you will keep for years to come, because it is not easy to upgrade speakers compared to other components. Rest components in the chain can be added / upgraded as and when budget permits. A well made amp with enough wattage will do, no need to go in for some exorbitantly (in sane) priced one. The Law of diminishing returns strikes hard on amp (of course cables are the finest example of this law! )

Typically allocate your funds (after allocating funds for room treatment) as:

40% for speakers
30% Source component
20-25% Amplifier
5-10% cables

Once the budget is known/fixed, next step could be your listening interests. (will write on this aspect if time permits...:))

Hope this helps
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Really nice inputs.

Umeshdhingra, I know the quandary you are in, but your question is almost as tough to answer as "I have Rs. 100, what ice cream should I have".

Perhaps what would be useful is as follows - based on the suggestions, why dont you listen to a few systems if you can, and see what kind of sound you like. Then people will be able to better guide you.

If you say "I like really good tonal quality", then make your way to FM Panditji's house (who has kindly invited you for a listen) for the Harbeth! Or if you say want slam or bass response, surely another speaker will work.

If you can find a dealer who will let you demo in peace listening to your favourite music for an hour, that will be great. Initially, all will sound exciting - remember their job is to sell the system. If you find yourself relaxed and listening to music (bobbing your head, tapping your feet), that is most likely the music set up for you.

One other way of stretching your budget is to buy used - you can even get a system with budget INR 4.5 lakhs for your price. However, you need to be sure so that you can move fast when you see the component you like.

Best of luck. For most of us, it is a never ending quest!
I picked up my set up a few months back..kinda similar budget, after auditioning various combos. Dali ikon 7 - driving them with an Arcam A39 integrated amp (it had been launched not very long ago). Am currently using the Bluesound node as a streamer plus dac (plays through usb) and an arcam dock for my iPods. (now looking at a standalone dac for laptop use). heard Rahul Pandit's (forum member) Chord 2Qute on my set up a few days back and found it really good. also looking at the arcam ir dac.
I mainly listen to classic rock and unpluggeds/acoustic stuff.
All the best!
Get the Wharfedale EVO 4.2 3-Way Standmount Speakers at a Special Offer Price.