Which Squeezebox? Touch? Duet? Classic?Dear all
Is there any alternative to Logitech squeezbox we can find in India. It will be a bonus if have a onboard dac like squeezbox. Is there any option?
My bet on SB replacement (or, what will I do when my SB dies?) is on stuff like Beeglebone+Community-Squeeze (Community Squeeze), but the downside is that it requires at least a little geekiness.
you don't get onboard DAC at that price
I would be really interested to hear how that turns out.<snip>I am trying one <snip>
Which Squeezebox? Touch? Duet? Classic?
I mean a media player with HDD audio plying capabilities
But were sold for ~$200 at almost all retailers. I'm sure the "suit/s" who took the decision to kill this was/were sacked. If he/they was/were not, he/they should be hyeah:I bought my first one a Classic for around 250 or thereabouts, then a Duet on sale for around the same price then when the Classic packed up and I asked for a replacement they gave me a Touch for 50% off! I think the list prices were around $300.
I suppose that, now the hifi industry has caught up with ideas of media players, and putting PCs inside hifi-look boxes so that they can be charged for at hifi-look prices, there is an increasing choice in this area. And it is increasingly not cheap.*
I think the management of Logitech dropped the product line because they completely failed to understand it ...and, also, because they shuddered with horror at the word "Linux."
The manufacturers didn't understand it, and mostly, the public do not really understand it. Poor misunderstood child; no wonder it ended up abandoned!
The message is: first, define your need.
*Actually, the Squeezeboxes were not really cheap --- but I think most considered them to be good value at their price.
It isnt cheap at $500 though