Sreekanth's (Soundsgreat) new BS speaker

Sreekanth has chosen to keep off the forum. I spoke to him a couple of times about rejoining, but for his own reasons he declined.

Thanks for the excellent review. Sreekanth is definitely missed here.

OT: it took me a little bit to figure out that "BS" meant "bookshelf". :-)

I think this type of port has been implemented in Usher v601 if i am correct.


Yes. However the proportions of rectangular-port of V-601 is more like a horizontal slit rather than a port. In V-601 this port in on the front.

Sreekanth has chosen to keep off the forum. I spoke to him a couple of times about rejoining, but for his own reasons he declined.

Hi George

As far as I know he was mistreated by some forum members and that is why he is never inclined to come back
I finally did a critical listen yesterday for over 3 hours listening to different genre of music ranging from Western Classical, Fusion, Jazz to Rock. I played the following albums: -

1. Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique
2. Seasons Vol I by Bhaskar Chandravarkar
3. Louis Armstrong
4. Santana
5. Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon

In the morning I had a very brief 20-30 minute listening along with our forum member hifipallforall who came in to collect the speakers.

My observations are as follows: -

These speakers have a laid back sound.

These speakers have a tight punchy base.

Due to the PEI tweeters, highs are not as prominent as that of Aluminum & Polypropelene tweeters that I had compared with.

Mids are not as lush and prominent as I want to be.

Finish of the speakers is brilliant but fit is what needs to be improved upon.

These speakers would pair nicely with bright sounding Amplifier.

The above observations are purely based on my listening experience with them.

Hello Capt. Rajesh

Thanks for writing about your listening experience

If you dont mind can you list the associated equipment with which you auditioned the speakers

I ask because for me the speakers were quiet revealing and according to you they sound a little laid back
I ask because for me the speakers were quiet revealing and according to you they sound a little laid back

These two terms need not be contradictory IMHO. For ex: My girlfriend is most revealing when she is laid back :ohyeah: ;) :licklips:

Now don't go on like before and demand to know what gear I use ... Ahem! :)

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I think this type of port has been implemented in Usher v601 if i am correct.


Yes. However the proportions of rectangular-port of V-601 is more like a horizontal slit rather than a port. In V-601 this port in on the front.


Its not Usher style port. Its PMC style

Now don't go on like before and demand to know what gear I use ... Ahem! :)


Probably a teensie 12ax7 type tubular unit that's old stock you've picked up from an erstwhile behind the iron curtain country, or maybe even good ole britain, in a clandestine cross-border ebay operation but you'd claim it to be New Old Stock to bump up your stock and it would take its own sweet time to get warmed up before performing at its optimum level :D :p
If you dont mind can you list the associated equipment with which you auditioned the speakers

I ask because for me the speakers were quiet revealing and according to you they sound a little laid back

Of course, I do not mind. My source is Marantz CD6003, Amp used were Luxman L80V and Technics SU-8022, Cardas I/C, Audioquest Speaker cables.

Did a one-to-one comparison with Accoustic Portrait Bookshelf speakers (MS301 I think; they have Vifa Polypropylene mid-woofer and Aluminum Dome Tweeter) which IMO is an unfair comparison because they are at different price points.

The PMC is a transmission line design. Is this speaker design similar ?

I forwarded the query to Sreekanth and this is what he had to say about the speaker design

"Its neither a full blown tuned ported design nor is it a proper TL with line inside of it. Its at best can called a Quasi TL as the backwave of the LF from midbass driver is delayed as per TL theories. The frequency for TL tuning is worked around 40Hz to keep the line length as short as possible,to avoid as much internal wave guide like in a full blown TL. Certain sound damping materials are used.
Delhi guys can listen to the speaker at the Delhi Audiophile Meet.

Hope to read some reviews from you all
Delhi Members who attended the audio meet, waiting to read your reviews about Sreekanth's speakers and if you dont mind please upload some pictures of the meet as well
Was waiting for a review from the Delhi Audiophile meet

I would request someone who had attended the meet to write a short review of all the speakers played in the meet.
This will benifit many forum members
Hi Captain
Thanks for the link,

I think you missed one more review which was posted on the same forum

Hi Guys,

I visited Sreekanth's place day before yesterday. I presently have wharfedale 8.2 with Denon AVR 1311. I am not happy with the bass section, so started hating my 8.2 was looking for a better tower speakers. Further I didn't know what kind of speakers would match my taste. Thanks to rikhav with whom I was messaging and learning about my own taste and requirement.

As guided by him, I spoke to Sreekanth and his very first opinion was to add an amplifier and not to change the speakers. I took my speaker to his place and played it. Also heard his bookselves. I would say the detailing is excellant and extraordinary in his BS. I understood what detailing is after listening to his BS.

Further he also played his Tower speakers which he has developed. It has excellant bass, depth and detailing. Its sound quality was as of an old English or Belgium speakers. Bass was very powerfull. You will not belive that the speaker had one woofer (6.5 inch) and one tweeter. But the bass is as if from 8 inch woofer. Very impressive. I have decided those to be my future towers, whenever I can arrange the required amount. He has sent it to Delhi for verifying them by sound experts.

Even after he connected my 8.2, they too sounded much better than when connected in my house with Denon 1311. In his place we tried by connecting to NAD amplifier and his own preamplifier. Big change and much power in bass. I have concluded to buy an used amplifier for my system after this. I am waiting for a good offer.

I am highly impressed by meeting Sreekanth. He is such a simple character, but with lot of ideas, innovation and creativity. He is like an hard core scientist in this field. His aim is not to sell speakers, but to understand more in this field and enjoys explaining the improtant paramaters in speakers and music systems.

I have decided to be in touch with him and learn more and more possible. Thanks to rikhav for connecting me to Sreekanth.

I don't know how sreekanth is managing financially. But his passion towards music system is keeping him going. I think people who like detailing should visit his place and I promise whoever visits will be highly impressed.
Sorry guys, there is a mistake in my posting. the speakers which sreekanth has sent to delhi for evaluation is not the tower speakers, but the bookshelves which is seen in rikhav's post.:rolleyes:
innsri, I too am a fan of his floorstanders which I was fortunate to audition last year. They shine in every department. And the bass, hits low, hard and fast!
Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Walnut finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.