SS2150 by O&B Audio, My Experience

I feel that the upgraded versions with the premium parts sound better than the standard units. Even I got the upgraded 2150, well worth the slight extra cost.
I have not heard the base model so cannot make comparisons. I have made headphone amps in the past like EHHA Rev A, Beta 22 & have used Vishay capacitors in my builds and was never disappointed. However, this time i went with upgrade capacitors as i wanted something which stops my itch for further upgrades. It has been a good decision for me.
@theironhorse wonderful detailed impressions on this amp. Every word matches my description too.

I have been using one for over 4 months, nothing comes close to the price point and VFM. The build quality is superb and the way it sounds is addictive. There are times when I am about to go out and sit to listen one song but end up listening a dozen and get late, this happens alot.

Lot of power and quality watts, I too barely even touch 75watts!!! Handful of times I have seen the LEDs light up.

I have used this with multiple pre amps, best I ever heard is with NAD 165BEE which is a Class A amplifier, then I have a FX Audio Tube-03 which gives a bit of tubey sound, which I occasionally listen to.
Denon x3700 AVR also uses O&B, I feel Denon has come to life after adding this. Pure Direct mode and Spotify or Tidal makes late night listening enjoyable. Smooth and refined, crystal clear sound.
Like you I have used a NAD 320BEE as a pre amplifier on this, but the pre amp section was meh.

Adding a good pre amp will enhance your listening experience. I have already told @adas about pre amp and he does know how to build it and had built for his relative I suppose, but he has lot of backlog with amps.

Hello Amrut ,Kindly share you contact. Just want to know more about this amplifier
Thanks In Advance
O&B 2150 (upgraded/premium parts ver.) -After 5months usage.

Spotify to Denon 800NE DNP optical out to Denafrips Ares Dac2 to Gustard A26 preamp to O&B 2150 with 4R spkrs . (Ophidian Minimos,Mission Qx2 Mark II )

2150 is able to drive the spkrs/4R the music at low listening levels. This was the most important criteria for me.

Works well at mid or cranked up volume levels also if needed and stays balanced w/o pushing any frequency extremes.

Genre agnostic -sounds engaging is how i would describe the whole experience after having used many mainstream brands before.

For folks who want a pre-power approach this is price-performance overachiever !

Thanks to Aniket Das for the thoughtful design and execution.

(Note : No affiliations)
Hi all
Any users of o&b power amplifier from Chennai?. It would be better for me to audition or play in my system before I make the purchase. Need to solve specific issue of my system. Thanks in advance.
Hi all
Any users of o&b power amplifier from Chennai?. It would be better for me to audition or play in my system before I make the purchase. Need to solve specific issue of my system. Thanks in advance.
Don’t know about Chennai- but I am located in Trivandrum and I am using the upgraded version of Ss2150 O&B.
I bought it from Mr. Chander and @adas Aniket has upgraded it for me. The major changes he made is with the power capacitance and it has increased and changed into more quality capacitors in the amp module as well. It is performing as Good as my audiolab 8300xp power amp. It is totally a vfm product.

A video link- but remember I shot it on my mobile.

another one


O&B 2150 (upgraded/premium parts ver.) -After 5months usage.

Spotify to Denon 800NE DNP optical out to Denafrips Ares Dac2 to Gustard A26 preamp to O&B 2150 with 4R spkrs . (Ophidian Minimos,Mission Qx2 Mark II )

2150 is able to drive the spkrs/4R the music at low listening levels. This was the most important criteria for me.

Works well at mid or cranked up volume levels also if needed and stays balanced w/o pushing any frequency extremes.

Genre agnostic -sounds engaging is how i would describe the whole experience after having used many mainstream brands before.

For folks who want a pre-power approach this is price-performance overachiever !

Thanks to Aniket Das for the thoughtful design and execution.

(Note : No affiliations)
Update : Recently Ares2 dac and Gustard preamp went out of the system chain. Now DNP 800NE variable analog output to O&B 2150 .Even better to my ears for low volume continuous listening.I guess keeping simple upstream chain of source components work well.
Its been long I posted anything on the forum however I am a regular visitor to check what's happening these days. just one of those days I see the thread ongoing on the Class AB amplification by @adas , you go ahead and read it and forget about it. the next time I see the thread is updated by post from @amrutmhatre90 with the delivery of the amp and that it replaces the crown, specs around it and some photos.

We obsessed audiophiles even though at times don't need anything but are more of a window shoppers than the opposite sex we blame. I went through the entire post, read it twice pinged @adas asking the specs on the amp. I got a response fairly quickly and then that escalated to WhatsApp chats.

Here is the situation, you know someone is making something good, you also know its superb VFM, you know there is no space at home, you talk to yourself you already have too many amps and too many speakers and yada yada yada and then you think well just one more would be perfect as I don't have a power amp and I should have one.

That's it and the amp was ordered in November end with delivery committed in Jan 2022. I used to ping Aniket randomly just to get an update and as promised he did deliver the item on time.

Slight Twist - I ordered the 250w per channel amp ( more power doesn't hurt ) and Aniket ended up making the 150w as the model numbers changed meanwhile. Just before he shipped the amp he suggested he can make the 250w but would need more time else take the 150w right away and later change to 250w as its made, he also assured that for my usage I wont be needing 250 ( he was right indeed).

Delivery - The item was packed like its being shipped to the north pole, super nice packing. ( 100 marks here buddy). Delivered within 2 days from Pune to Hyd.

Build - Before I go to the actual purpose of it ( the audio), I would like to talk about the build. this think is bloody heavy ( makes me grin secretly). the fit and finish it impeccable. the connectors are good quality. Power cable was supplied along with the amp. the knobs, switches at the back feel sturdy, 100 marks here as well.

Note: if you ever want to DIY and want to make an amp exactly like this , you cant even make one for the same price Aniket sells it. (This is extreme VFM). the parts separately costs more, I did my research.

The Amp - I wanted to write this review pretty early but then I wanted to give the amp a good run for 15-20 hours to really make sense and tell what its really about. the initial few days I just ran it a low volumes for few days an hour or 2 everyday due to work commitments and could not do any critical listening. using my NAD 325 as a pre and Power-Amp set to low gain I started, initial impressions after a few hours were "its good" its a power amp with more power, maybe I expected more etc. etc. .

Well few days into it and it begins to shine, I am enjoying my music, the soundstage has widened up drastically, the low end is slamming harder than ever yet smooth, the separation is super nice with forward vocals. the instrument decay is longer, the cymbals sound like someone actually did hit once in my room. Vocals are warm and lush. Now I thought my ears are adjusted to it so here I pinged both my neighbors who are just getting into this rabbit hole because of me, ( they are enjoying it thoroughly), they dropped in and while they left work and came for 10 mins they only left after a few hours. same impressions as mine (singers are singing right in front of me) with loads of power in reserve, I don't ever hit 50 percent continuous power besides some peaks when bass slams hard otherwise the sig lights ( 75 watts) stays off, you could see them light up once a while. even to reach there I could wake up people around if windows are open. ( Aniket was right I don't need 250w, this is enough for my usage)

Plan to change to a tube buffer to take this to next level, NAD will resume its integrated duties with the PSB :)

( will have to hide the courier boxes and sneak in the house at night )

Equipment Chain ( Music PC > Foobar ( flacs) , Amazon Music > Topping D50s ( USB) > NAD C325BEE (Pre) > O&B ( Power) > KEF Q500/PSB B6/ Dali Zensor.

Class AB amplification.
Build Quality.
Quality Components.
Wide Soundstage.
Very detailed as low volumes.
Drivers almost any speakers with authority.

I would be stupid to even find one at this price.

We have folks doing good stuff in our very own country. I don't think i would be buying anything off the shelf soon from now on.
This amp can drive anything effortlessly, does not heats up, built like a tank, costs nothing like what it looks or sounds like. @adas you are a genius, making something so damn good.

Would you build me a pre-amp dude ??

Vocal for Local.

Added some pics.
How much cost in this amp, am using polk rti9 is better sound produced this amp pls help thank you
could you let me know which speakers go with this amp. Planning for elac debut 3.0 63. Will this be a good choice ?

What is the price of the amp btw ?

I thought u were running a pair of QA 3030i's?
I am, and, picked up a QB12 aswell. My BIL has gifted my dad a projector for his 70th Bday. The QX2 has a price drop on hifimart, hence the question. Regarding 2150 it was random question. The Stereo Bug has bitten me.
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