Another electrician came and checked the line, no voltage drop.
Did he check if earthing is proper? What is the residual AC voltage between neutral and earth leads?
Another electrician came and checked the line, no voltage drop.
Just came back from the dealer, amp playing fine and this time auditioned the Dali Spektor 1 for an hour with the Marantz. Amazing small speakers for smaller rooms, clean and punchy. About the amp, he told me to get a stabilizer.
SKS gave me another power cord to test but still nothing. Whenever I take the amp to SKS, it works fine in their showroom. Now, SKS is saying that the amp stays powered on there so it's not a fault and can't give a replacement. So I'm stuck in this situation. I'll try the reset thing though.
Reset didn't work. I even tried what SKS did, connect the power cord switched on to the amp and still nothing.
Another electrician came and checked the line, no voltage drop. He said that there's something wrong with the amp itself, get a replacement.
Checked with neighbor and same problem. We have 3 electricity meters and the problem shows in every one of them. This time I'm taking the amp to SKS and will ask them to connect the speakers and listen for an hour or so.
Will have to do that now. It was working fine in my friend's place before I set it up in my room. Will take it to friend's place again and see. All the wirings are new in my new room with earthing.
...check.....3 phase electric supply is what seems to be bare minimum today...
Edit//All the houses I checked at, except my friend's, are quite old. Mine is around 180 years and wiring is pretty old except few lines for newer appliances. But our new floor has new wiring with proper earthing. Could it be the mains which are very old ?
I don't understand all that thing, had to trust the electrician. A friend told me he'll bring his 0.5KVA stabilizer and we'll see what happens.
One doesn't need a three phase supply to run Marantz PM5005.
You need constant proper supply is what i meant....i am not a qualified electrician but have some basic knowledge around it and clearly OP has said the amp does not work in his place but works elsewhere appropriately....![]()
I will repeat what I said earlier. Check the grounding of your home.
Forget hiring an electrician. Just go buy yourself a 500 Rupee digital multimeter. Typically cheap multimeters will have two AC voltage reading namely 200V and 700V. Look for a model that has 20V in its AC scale. Set it at 20V AC and measure the voltage across neutral and ground pins on your wall socket. It should ideally by less than or equal to half a Volt if your earthing is proper. On your wall socket, the top hole is ground, left is neutral, right is line. For info, line to neutral must read 230V, line to earth/ground must read 230V.