Well-Known Member
Its probably the recording more than anything else. The s520 is probably the most neutral speaker in its price range.
I can only say that these studio monitors with in their price range often offer great values and are good for home audio as well.
Not sure if i should continue this thread, nevertheless...
I listened to the Ushers s520 for around an hour and a half at Arn Systems., with NAD ampl and Usher CDP.
The positives:
The clarity was realy excellent, probably the best i heard amongst the the other budget speakers i heard so far (Wharf 9.1,9.2/Tannoy FS/Maudaunt Short 9.2i). The clarity was probably as good as the Tannoy Reveal.
The bass was also nice and precise. Indian classical (Mansur) also sounded really good.
The doubts and issues:
This is where i need some help and answers:
1) I listen to a lot of Beatles. I listened to "Drive My Car" on the Ushers. Clarity was great but towards the end of the song i could feel my ears were slightly hurting. I also felt the same for some Clapton songs. The speakers somehow sound bright on the treble. The studio expert (Mr Sridhar) suggested reducing the treble in the NAD ampl and on doing so i felt the speakers were more listenable. Probably Beatles songs are a bit treble heavy. But i would like to other opinions ?
2) I next heard some old songs of Lata Mangeshkar. Specifically "Aja Re Pardesi" from Madhumati. Every time Lata's voice would hit a high note, the sound was really "SHRILL", again rather ear-hurting!! Sridhar attributed this to the "mono" nature of the original recording (Vs modern stereo recordings). Since i did not listen to Lata while demoing other speakers i cannot have a reference. Maybe the volume was a bit loud... not sure.. ...Nevertheless i really would want some feedback about this :Is this really true that high notes of mono recordings do NOT sound good on stereo speakers ?
To summarize my thoughts were: The Ushers speakers are really great in clarity, the bass is also nice, I liked them a lot. But i am not sure how "listenable" they are for long hours...
I would be great to know the feedback of Psychotropic on these points, since he choose these speakers.
Me too taken a plunge - sold My Solid ( Second Brand of B&W) MiniBookshelfs and passive Sub woofer and bought JBL Pro iii - mini monitors and JBL Active Sub
I used JBL Control 1 and liked it's sound ,these speakers are same sized one
will post my impressions
One correction from my side.
Its not that i did not like the NAD-355 and the PSB-IB25 combination.
Well... its the only configuration i have heard the IB25s in. I am probably ok with the combination.
What bothered me is the not so good reviews that NAD-355 generally has. What-hifi etc, even in this forum in various threads. I felt if i spend 40K on an amp then it better be good. Most reviews seem to suggest that NAD-355 is poor VFM.
This is what prompted me to ask about other amps for IB25s.
Good to know that you have a great confidence in the Marantz 7001.
again, thanks for all your inputs.
Hemant waghe,
Do you use JBL Control One's as fronts ?
I use them as fronts and rears. Center is JBL Control Now. AVR 255. I find the need for better output / punch from the Control One's . So planning to change only the fronts ( to keep budget minimum ).
JBL in India does not have good wall mountable speakers. They offer the Infinity P150 for about 18K in MUmbai. Thats a discontinued model and there is no need to spend that much according to me.
Any suggections for the front speaker ( whilst retaining the JBL Control NOW as centers ) or do i move over to PSB's or Wharfedales ( 6 ohm ) ( fronts and centers ) ?