Suggest an upgrade from the Rethm Maarga

Thanks will check out.

BTW, anyone have experience with Spatial Audio? I was strongly recommened the X5.
Are you aware of any JBL M2 owners on this forum?

Nope. I believe there's at least one Chennai owner, though.

Curious to know how these perform in a home setting

There's a fair few folks on AVSForum who have them (mostly) in high-performance HT setups. Have heard nothing but good things about them. I'm not looking to upgrade on my Catalysts any time soon, but the M2's will be on the list if I ever do a dedicated room.
i have had the older version of saadhanas for close to 3 years now, i think.. if i were to replace it, i would in a heartbeat go back to Cadence (used to have arista).

now, not sure if Cadence pune still builds their line, however their top of the line Arca, they just might. here is a good thread on that, and as luck has it, i was lucky enough to audition this very speaker in Ahmedabad. it is outstanding -
Once you are used to the Rethm sound, you’ll need that speed and transparency. Listening to those little minor inflections in the voice and instruments become an addiction. You will find it lacking in Harbeth. Coming from Rethm, you’ll find Focal too hifi sounding and Tannoy a bit sluggish and thick sounding.

ATC should be fine. But as I said earlier you need 150 watts and above to get them to sing. Best to go active with ATC and get a great tube pre.
stellar advice...

the passive ATC didn't do it for me at all... But the active SCM 20, SCM 50 etc with a tube preamp are superb!
Thanks for all the suggestions guys..

Over the weekend I was around AudioLounge area and just stopped to ask prices.

The UNO XD are huge and they are approx 22 Lakhs. Didn't hear them.

I hadn't planned for a serious audition but since I was there I heard a couple of familiar tracks on the Zero XD. These are approx 17 Lakhs. They were paired with a 20W Nagra tube amp and a cd player with high quality Siltech cables.

Honestly, they didn't impress. Absolutely nothing to write home about. May be at a more serious audition one can pair them with different amps that make them shine.
Orangutans work well with class A SS, I am considering using Accuphase with them very soon. Or else Devore Gibbon X would be a very good option.
There is an epic thread on WBF on a guy's speaker search (keithr) after Devore Gibbon X, and he ended up with YG. It is worth a full read, lots of things to gained from the quest.
If I was spending 15K (and done with my current speaker, which I don't see happening) without batting an eyelid I would get this:
Probably the best speaker audition I have had. I might still prefer the Os but at the back of the mind I keep thinking how I could get these to India.
Pure audio open baffle speakers are really good too, I heard them at a friend's house.
You should look at Cube Audio (full range drivers) - they are getting amazing reviews for their speakers on 6moons. Goldfinch Acoustics is a dealer. Not sure about your budget, but they are expensive. However, Goldfinch offers making the cabinets with Cube's drivers, at much lower prices.
@Naturelover, thanks for asking. Am doing well. Hope the same with others.

A lot has happened since. I was lucky to get a pair of Open Baffle speakers on loan. I started a thread about that here ( They sounded wonderful and so I got really interested and studied the OB theory presented by Linkwitz and others.

Since then I've built my own with Tang Band 1808 (also tried Mark Audio 12p and FaitalPro 3FE25) and dual PRV15W1000V2 per side. Since I had to do EQ and measurements I did a couple of online courses in speaker design and measurements and got myself the MiniDSP with UMIK-1. Spent time learning how to do measurements and active EQ. I also learnt to use Edge and Basta, two good softwares for simulations. Overall a very enriching experience. But I feel like I've barely scratched the surface. Unfortunately I haven't updated the other thread with all that. I hope to do that some time. The OBs truly blew me away. Hoping to be able to try more OB configs like H-Frame, U-Frame, nude drivers etc.
@Naturelover, thanks for asking. Am doing well. Hope the same with others.

A lot has happened since. I was lucky to get a pair of Open Baffle speakers on loan. I started a thread about that here ( They sounded wonderful and so I got really interested and studied the OB theory presented by Linkwitz and others.

Since then I've built my own with Tang Band 1808 (also tried Mark Audio 12p and FaitalPro 3FE25) and dual PRV15W1000V2 per side. Since I had to do EQ and measurements I did a couple of online courses in speaker design and measurements and got myself the MiniDSP with UMIK-1. Spent time learning how to do measurements and active EQ. I also learnt to use Edge and Basta, two good softwares for simulations. Overall a very enriching experience. But I feel like I've barely scratched the surface. Unfortunately I haven't updated the other thread with all that. I hope to do that some time. The OBs truly blew me away. Hoping to be able to try more OB configs like H-Frame, U-Frame, nude drivers etc.
That's a lot of work you have done. I hope it all meets, or even exceeds, your expectations.
All the best.
Will need to visit sometime :)
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.