Aha vinyl cleaning. I just love it.
Well Manoj as Steven suggested you can use that scrub and I used it to good effect but I think if you can try and order a vpi record cleaning brush I can assure you it is best the possible way to do a proper wet cleaning. VPI HW-16 & 16.5 RECORD BRUSH - elusivedisc
I use it in my record cleaning machine and I think for hand wash it will be equally useful.One note of caution though be careful of ordering stuff during puja season in Calcutta. Custom guys are hungry for money and my recent order of vinyls are held up for three weeks now.

I use it in my record cleaning machine and I think for hand wash it will be equally useful.One note of caution though be careful of ordering stuff during puja season in Calcutta. Custom guys are hungry for money and my recent order of vinyls are held up for three weeks now.