Suggestions for home theatre room in new house


Jun 12, 2013
Hi dear friends
I am indebted to hifi vision for my present home theatre set up which was completely built based on the suggestions and the following are my existing equipments.

1.ACER H5370BD Projector(5 Years old) with a painted wall as screen
2.Yamaha HTR3067 Reciever
3.NS P40 speakers
4.Amazon Fire stick/HTPC

Now I will be moving to a new house which is under construction now.You can find the dimensions from the drawing.I will be uploading the photos of the room as the
work progresses.As you can see its a relatively small room not completely optimised for home theatre with all windows and stuff.Now I am confused with many things and I am listing those down.

I am more inclined towards fixed screen.What would be the ideal screen size for that viewing distance. Also should I take a look at the pull down screens too?


All the sound/echo proofing should be done on a limited budget.What are my options.

3.Any suggessions on the interiors/flooring and roofing.
1.ACER H5370BD Projector(5 Years old) with a painted wall as screen

Yes, this is the easiest solution you can approach.. Bu there are some inexpensive options you may consider for better HT experience..

I am more inclined towards fixed screen.What would be the ideal screen size for that viewing distance. Also should I take a look at the pull down screens too?

I guess your room dimensions are 12.5 x 11 ft, of which you are planning to use the longest dimension to project the image..

Your projector has a throw ratio of 1.55.. If you were to use the 12.5ft length of the room, then you may end up with roughly 100 ~ 110 inch diagonal screen size.. The more the screen becomes bigger, you will be forced to keep the center channel below ear level.. This will also happen with vinyl screen (pull down)..

Since you are planning for fixed screen, you may consider DIY - Acoustic Transparent screen.. This will help you place the center channel behind screen at ear-level for best HT experience.. If this interests you, you may think of options to build it.. A 110inch DIY AT screen would not cost more than 4K to build + you get many benefits..

3.Any suggessions on the interiors/flooring and roofing.

For flooring, better if you can use cement flooring covered with carpet (dark Grey / near black) ones.. This itself will be big improvement in picture quality (I have tried this at home).. Glazed tiles will glow up the entire room with reflection from large screen..

For walls, you may consider dark grey wall paper.. But not necessary..

All the sound/echo proofing should be done on a limited budget.What are my options.

It is better to measure the response at your listening position and approach a solution to nail the issue.. Often, it is not possible to take that route.. You may add absorption (rockwool / Fiber glass) to the walls.. Thickness of absorption will be dependent on your budget..

Few thoughts..

- If you can swap the sofa & the TV screen area, you will get a full regular wall (11ft) to place the DIY screen and then space the L-C-R speakers nicely..
+1 to elangoas suggestions.

Not sure of the height of the room, if its around 10 feet then you will have a nightmare in terms of room modes, as a cube is supposed to be very harsh to manage.

If you can change the direction of your door opening outwards instead of inwards, it will give you lots of useful space, this is one thing I regret not having done in my HT.

Based on you projecting into the surface which is opposite the sofa, wont the fan come in the way of the projector. Also, why would you need a fan in the first place, if you have an AC. If you are like most, spending a max of 2-3 hrs a day in the HT room, then AC should be good enough.
Thanks for the replies.The following changes are incoporated in the final drawing
1.The door is opening outward only.
2.The fan was removed .
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