Can you shed some light, what it is that you want to do ?
The M2Tech Evo is a good product to use with an external DAC.
This may be a slightly expensive option - although the right thing to do.
Alternately - best VFM option is analogue out from a Sound Card.
ESI Julia / M Audio LT 1010 etc. etc.
What is it that you need ? What do you want to spend ? What do you want to replace ??
Please do shed some light....Maybe we all can suggest some option...
Hope you don't mind my putting in my requirements here on your thread. I will try to be brief
Well, I am trying to do a few things here. Firstly I am trying to consolidate a few AV Sources (Squeezebox Duet, PopCorn Hour and Sony PS3[currently being used as a BDP not much gaming]) and have just one Media PC that will work for both Music and Movies. I am covered for now from the Storage Point of View see
here. Secondly, I have been using a Squeezebox Duet as a secondary source (primary is Project TT - pls see signature for specifics). Recently I tried outputting the digital-coaxial out from the SB to a $400 DAC. I found improvements in some areas and preferred my SB's DAC in some others. I could not justify the spend on the DAC considering I already had the SB which was doing OK. Since I had the consolidation plan, I decided to add this requirement as well.
I am not fussed about having an outboard DAC if the analog outs of the sound card is good enough. It will still be a secondary source for me as I know I have to spend a lot to beat my TT's performance. The soundcard should beat my SB and do a bit more and I'd be happy. I am handy with computers so no probs with assembling, installing, tweaking etc.
My memory is phased out. Isn't Santosh's potential M2Tech device discussed on another thread?
Not me Thad
. I must confess silently reading/learning from all your discussions, but I have not mentioned my plans for a PC based system or M2Tech anywhere.
I dont think you need to have a good sound card if your plan is to get a good DAC in future as there are a lot of dacs with asynchronous USB i/p which makes the spdif out from a pc obsolete.
Agree cmsajith, but there is a whole lot happening in the DAC space and I prefer to wait. By spending ~5to 8k on a card now, I'd be happy for now and I can test many more DACs in my system - USB, D-Coax etc and buy when some DAC really makes me want to buy it.