Well-Known Member
What is the difference between Technics SL-D3 & SL 2000? Just want to have a indepth understanding about it
Not too much but the primary difference is that the SL D3 is a fully automatic turntable while the SL2000 is a manual turntable. The durability, lastability and critical performance of manuals, tend to be better as the mechanicals are much simpler and the tone arm is an independent entity. For automatics, calibration needs to be spot on and in some cases, vibrations, etc are transferred from the motor assembly to the tonearm assembly which effects performance. Its easier to change the tonearm (or upgrade it) on a manual as the tonearm is independent. Keeping these factors in mind, manuals are heavily preferred over automatics. However some lazy listeners like me, don't like automatics but crave to have at least the tonearm return to base after playing a record. That's why we prefer semi-automatics

Edit: interesting reading on the subject (which is generic and not specific to the SL D3 vs SL 2000):
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