Tell Me Quick!! LG 42PW450 On Sale! How Is It?

It seems to be a good model with the goodies provided...3d glasses and tata sky HD.

read the specs in promising.....

to confirm whether it is the best price..i had contacted the LG shoppe..i was told Rs.59,000/- :rolleyes: or not?
Price is ok. im worried about the quality. the res is 1024x768! isnt that too less? am i missing somethin?

I've been planning to buy a 32 or a 42" full hd lcd depending on what parents decide on but this is a great offer, considering it's a 3-d TV. should i stick to the original plan or is this good enough?
i had demo LG 42PW450 at ezone some time back it is really vfm.
it was offer with 3d blu ray player and cost 59k..but at 39k it really aussom.
Ezone is having some anniversary sale kind of stuff. hence these offers. Initially even i fell for it. when i checked the specs , i understood the reduction in prices.
looks good. but its not full HD which will be distinguishable in 42in and its heavy (20kg?)
other than that it has 3d and is one of the thinnest plasmas, 600hz refresh is awesome and also offers 3m contrast.
I hope it doesn't turn out as eZone's other offers.
They introduce very good offers.........They get huge number of online orders.........With their very minuscule stock, they fulfill a very few orders.......They cancel the other orders or keep them waiting and may be in between they earn the interest with the unfulfilled order amounts. This has been a constant observation by a lot of forum members as well.
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