That 100$ question again.. Torn between choices for Headphones.. Please help

In any case HD555's are not at all better in bass as compared to M50's , its just that the comfort factor on 555's is a bit more . and a wider soundstage .

If kids , demanding more of bass , then let them stick to M50's only .
HD555 will disappoint u for sure !
Kaushik, I would second that. The HD555s are good, but if you looking for extra bass over the M50 you would do well to look elsewhere.
Kaushik, I would second that. The HD555s are good, but if you looking for extra bass over the M50 you would do well to look elsewhere.

iaudio , dude , hope u are enjoying ur RE2's , burn them for a while , they will shine more . And do me a favor , see any buyers for my 252's and RE2 as well .

and also arrange me a AD700 or M50 :)

Looking forward to ur reply , as u are the man u can actually arrange :P
iaudio , dude , hope u are enjoying ur RE2's , burn them for a while , they will shine more . And do me a favor , see any buyers for my 252's and RE2 as well .

and also arrange me a AD700 or M50 :)

Looking forward to ur reply , as u are the man u can actually arrange :P
Anubhav, you think too much/high of me!
Esanthosh is the iem/headphone guru here! I am just his humble disciple ;)
( Btw,yes, the re2s are being burnt in.)
Anubhav, you think too much/high of me!
Esanthosh is the iem/headphone guru here! I am just his humble disciple ;)
( Btw,yes, the re2s are being burnt in.)

yup u right , esantosh and a few more , we all are under discussion for an top tier IEM , on TE . I guess u missed my thread in Audio Zone there .
Anubhav, Nope, I am following it!

rallynut, yep, pulled the trigger on the Re2's. You will get to listen to them soon enough!
Esanthosh is the iem/headphone guru here! I am just his humble disciple ;)

And we reverse our roles when it comes to speakers ;). I happen to be a last bench student with 35th rank (out of 36, one dropped out) in that :o

BTW, I do know a little something about IEMs. But I'm not well versed with headphones. Most people know far better than me about headphones. I personally don't consider myself a 'guru / person with good knowledge', just fortunate enough to have a few IEMs (ok! a few too many :p), allowing me to compare, contrast and learn more about sound and IEMs in general. I am still learning new things from fellow forum members here and on head-fi almost on a daily basis.
And we reverse our roles when it comes to speakers ;). I happen to be a last bench student with 35th rank (out of 36, one dropped out) in that :o

BTW, I do know a little something about IEMs. But I'm not well versed with headphones. Most people know far better than me about headphones. I personally don't consider myself a 'guru / person with good knowledge', just fortunate enough to have a few IEMs (ok! a few too many :p), allowing me to compare, contrast and learn more about sound and IEMs in general. I am still learning new things from fellow forum members here and on head-fi almost on a daily basis.

Absolutely right , i am sure your LUST will end buying UM customs !!
till then u will keep buying all the top tier's in the way :lol:

You are a GURU for iem's , You should start accepting it :clapping:
Well, guys, decided to order the HD 555 for my cousin as he has changed his mind again. He actually liked the M50 but he is quite impatient to wait to get his hands on a good pair and as of now the only option seems to be HD555 which is available on ebay. I hope these ebay items are the proper genuine ones (they've mentioned with Bill & 2 Yr Warranty).
Well, guys, decided to order the HD 555 for my cousin as he has changed his mind again. He actually liked the M50 but he is quite impatient to wait to get his hands on a good pair and as of now the only option seems to be HD555 which is available on ebay. I hope these ebay items are the proper genuine ones (they've mentioned with Bill & 2 Yr Warranty).

Yup without second thought , carry on with the purchase ?
They are 100% original , i have had a deal with the same seller earlier , shipping will be quick , and you will have a nice experience .
Do apply some coupons if u have any , to lower the price by5-10% depending on the coupons .
Konfused, so you will get to listen to the hd555 along with your m50, ad700 etc right? Nice.
You get a headphone amp?
@anubhav, the seller is called DelhiMall, is it the same seller that you've purchased your item? I'm about to place to the order.

@iaudio, well, I'll get the chance to listen to the Senn only when I take my return journey via Guwahati. Well only amp I've now is E5, drives the M50 well enough. Will see how the Senn behaves once I'm there but it might take some time. I can do the comparison with the M50 only, not carrying the AD700.
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