The Best Looking Movies Ever Made

Let me add my fav list in becomes fav to others too....those who didnt see have got nice time ahead to enjoy

1. If Only
2. Pursuit of Happinees (will smith)
3. The Sixth Sense
4. Kung Fu Panda
5. Transformers-1& 2
6. King Kong
7. Apoclypto
8. American Pie-(1-6)
9. seven pounds
10. Gladiator
11. Brave Heart
12. Troy
13. Jurrasic Park Series
14. A walk to remember
15. God Father series
16. Matrix Series
17. Blood Diamod
18. Titanic
19. Final Destination Series
20. Spiderman Series
21. Hulk,Incredible Hulk
22. Iron Man Series
23. X Men Series
24. Ratatoule
25. The Ugly Truth
26. vacany
27 The Sunshine
28. Armageddon
29. Avatar
30. 300

Acttually the list is too big....adding few....will add some artictic movies later
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