The Pioneer DV-220 DVD Player

Originally Posted by shredder -
It may be a concern if you are into watching those movies where the actors wear no clothes and make a lot of noise,


I have quite a few of these type of movies:)

I worry about your orientation guys ... :ohyeah:

Wonder why "those type" of movies with Actresses in them never appealed to you ;)

Stay away from me!! Shoo! Shoo! :rolleyes:

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Gobble G, sad that you have to be spoon fed all the time & that too have to literally chew & feed you!!! :D :p :rolleyes:

Samajdaar koh ishaaraah kaafi hotaa hai :rolleyes:.... get the point??? :cool:Aaah but you are afraid of the points!!! ;)

Guess then 'aah galey lagg jhaa' is strictly a 'No-No' for you:ohyeah::D:ohyeah:

Quite 'Phobic' arn't you???:rolleyes:
Hi Venkat!
Just the day i enrolled here and read your post on Pioneer DVD player. Its densely informative that i can feel but not so deeper to my understandings. I love your way of writing and expressing things.
Right from my childhood apart from my search in Psychology i was more attracted to Radio, audio etc and i think on that basement i met you over here. So nice to meet you.
I have a fascinating passion to connect wires here and there to improve audio video signals and to watch good movies at that. Buying straight away a costlier TVs or consoles and watching is never appealing to me. So some times when, time is available apart from my usual counseling, blogging etc i will watch some audio video improvements at web site. Just like that i came here.
We at home quitted watching cable tv for the sake of children education for the past several years. As i said earlier, i have passion to watch good old English and Tamil movies at home. So, i thought of connecting a DVD with LCD monitor or going for LCD projector like that avoiding the TV set. Hence, I need some guidance from this forum.
So, i will come again to join with you all.

OK, this day is good for me to meet you.
Mohan Balakrishna.
Yozen Mind
Can anyone let me know how make region free for Pioneer DV-220 DVD Player, my player has been locked to all regions.
Dear Venkat

I did the same mistake by buying Panasonic Blueray BD60 from Washington DC. It turned out to be 110 v and does not play PAL format which is prevalent in India. It is sitting like a dud in my house and i am looking for a solution of braking the code so that it can paly in all formats.
Can you help. I live in mumbai but my In laws stay in Bangalore. If you can help me as a fellow sitemember, I will really appreciate it.
You can inform me your mobile number on [email protected] so that i can call you.
Dear Venkat

I did the same mistake by buying Panasonic Blueray BD60 from Washington DC. It turned out to be 110 v and does not play PAL format which is prevalent in India. It is sitting like a dud in my house and i am looking for a solution of braking the code so that it can paly in all formats.
Can you help. I live in mumbai but my In laws stay in Bangalore. If you can help me as a fellow sitemember, I will really appreciate it.
You can inform me your mobile number on [email protected] so that i can call you.

I am currently in Dubai and will be returning after 8th of Feb. Call me after that. I have emailed my phone number.

Venkat Sir,

How is the audio quality from music Cds if Pioneer-220 is used as source to the amp with no external DAC in between? Will it be equal to Pioneer-Dv610.

Asking because the Pio-Dv610 which i was using as source went kaput, and i need a decent quality source for music within 10k.

All I can say is that the audio quality of the 220 is passable. It will be close to that of the 610, but don't expect it to sound like a CD player.

Hi Venkat,

Thanks for your detailed review on Pioneer 220 KV. I purchased it two days back. Can you please let me know how to pass digital data (RAW) to my Onkyo HTS 3300( i used HDMI conneciton b/w them). When i play any .avi file with ( 6 channel support) it still shows 2.1 when i press audio button on Pioneer remote.
Thanks for your detailed review on Pioneer 220 KV. I purchased it two days back. Can you please let me know how to pass digital data (RAW) to my Onkyo HTS 3300( i used HDMI conneciton b/w them). When i play any .avi file with ( 6 channel support) it still shows 2.1 when i press audio button on Pioneer remote.

You have to change the settings in the Player. Set HDMI audio out to Digital On, so that the audio signals is send as bit-stream or raw. If you choose PCM, the signal will be decoded by the player and sometimes down sampled to 2 channel.

Hi Venkat, as suggested by you I have connected the DVD audio out to my cd in of the yam v 463 and the sound quality has improved quite a lot, I was planning to buy a turntable wanted to check with you on which input port should I use
Yamaha V463 has no Phono input. So if your TT doesn't have a line level output (should be a pair of RCA) you will need to add a pre-amp in between TT and AVR.

Most new TTs are coming with line level o/p so you can connect those directly to any analogue input of the AVR.
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