Thorens TD124 up and running


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2008

After a few years of being left to idle :) I pulled the TD124 out of storage and gave it a complete once over.

I ordered new bearings and a complete service kit. Thanks to Joshua (jls001) who gave me the link/contact I also bought a new idler.The plinth was built fifteen years ago when I got the TD124,it could do with some TLC. Plan to sand it down and polish it.

I had lent my SME 3009/II to my cousin as the TD124 was not being used, I could not ask for the arm back as he was using it.Thanks to Anil, who gave me his Syntec S220, I am now listening to music on the TD124 again.

The Syntec is a broadcast tonearm,and is quite good,comparable to an entry/mid level Rega.I have the Ortofon SL15 on it right now.I do not use the Thorens top platter but use a Nagoka Crystal/Glass platter mat on top of the Thorens sub platter.This does not allow the use of the clutch on the TD124 but sounds better this way.

Listening to the TD124 after a few years I still prefer it over the Garrard 301/ and Lenco. It does not have the drive and slam of the Garrard and Lenco but sounds more balanced overall.

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Looks like a classic table. Great one to have. Keep smiling with the great music it sings.

Dear Rjiv,

I own both Garrard 301 and Lenco. I have been contemplating buying a Thorens 124. How much more musical is it from 301 and L75? And how will you compare it to your Linn? BTW, I am very happy with my Garrard301 fitted with 3012 SME tonearm with Denon DL 103 especially after inserting the copper plate



How much more musical is it from 301 and L75? And how will you compare it to your Linn? BTW, I am very happy with my Garrard301 fitted with 3012 SME tonearm with Denon DL 103 especially after inserting the copper plate

The presentation of theTD124 is different from that of the Lenco and Garrard.

To me it sounds more fluid and easy flowing. On one of the Altec forums disscussing the differences in sound from JBL and Altec this was posted.

JBL 'lead from the bass' and Altec (and Vitavox) 'lead from the top'.. in terms of presentation.

It seems apt to the Garrard/Lenco and TD124.

Both Altec and JBL are great speakers I can live with either,but given a choice I would opt for Altec.I can forgo a little bass for the technicolour mids of the Altec.

HiFi world did a reveiw back in the 90's and their findings

401: "- tremendously strong and articulate with only a veiled treble to let it down."
TD124: "- it was sweeter (compared to 301-401) and more lyrical, yet lighter and less impactful in the bass".

These are my impressions too.It is a matter of preference. All are superb turntables.

To me the TD124 has the best virtues of the Linn and Garrards. It has the easy flow of the belt drives and also the control and slam of the idlers,and high torque motors.

Rajiv, good stuff. I guess we all are closet turntable fans! Makes me wanna get my crusty old HMV TT the once over. As I am electronically challenged, I need some serious hand holding. Will post the details later once I decide what to do with it. Spin the black circle. :)
Rajiv, good stuff. I guess we all are closet turntable fans! Makes me wanna get my crusty old HMV TT the once over. As I am electronically challenged, I need some serious hand holding. Will post the details later once I decide what to do with it. Spin the black circle. :)
@ Rraghuram: which HMV TT you have? I have 2 old HMV TTs - fiesta & popular. In case you have one of those or something similar, I can help you in bringing them back to tune. Simple but nice TTs.
To me the TD124 has the best virtues of the Linn and Garrards. It has the easy flow of the belt drives and also the control and slam of the idlers,and high torque motors.

I can chip in with the very limited tests I have done on the Lenco L75. Using the same arm and cartridge (and running the same same electronics and speakers) on the TD 124 and the L75, the most apparent difference was the greater bass slam of the L75 (not that the 124 is a slouch). Otherwise, their sonic signatures are basically cut from the same fabric - very dynamic, with fast transients, nice airy highs (when present in the recorded material), and a sense of almost unlimited drive.

I know you can improve your TD-124 sound further by changing the tonearm cable and probably a more suited cartridge. If you have a DL-103, you can try that on Syntec. It is mid-high mass tonearm.

I did not have any use for the Syntec and I feel good that it is in your duty on TD-124.


I can chip in with the very limited tests I have done on the Lenco L75. Using the same arm and cartridge (and running the same same electronics and speakers) on the TD 124 and the L75, the most apparent difference was the greater bass slam of the L75 (not that the 124 is a slouch). Otherwise, their sonic signatures are basically cut from the same fabric - very dynamic, with fast transients, nice airy highs (when present in the recorded material), and a sense of almost unlimited drive.

I have not compared the Lenco with either the TD124 or 301 using similar arm/cartridge but have listened to the TD124 and Garrard 301 extensively using the same arm/cartridge (SME 3009/Shure V15/III) with the same electronics some years ago.

The Garrard has a more upfront sound,with more drive and energy.The TD124 is more laid back in comparison.

Though I have not listened to the Lenco in a similar set up my listening impressions of the Lenco is that it has the same drive as the Garrard but is slightly better in the HF also.

The Lenco in my opinion is super value, given its current market prices relative to the Garrard 301 and TD124


I know you can improve your TD-124 sound further by changing the tonearm cable and probably a more suited cartridge. If you have a DL-103, you can try that on Syntec. It is mid-high mass tonearm.

Anil,planning to get the tonearm cable from Ebay.

The Ortofon SL15 is a very good cartridge.It has the same tonality of the SPU,and was a replacement for the SPU.

Mine is just back from a Soundsmith rebuild. It has very few hours on it.

Some say the EMT TSD 15 is based on the Ortofon SL 15 design just as the EMT tonearm is based on the Thorens TD 14 tonearm,but with EMT's cost no object use of superior parts and manufacturing quality.

On Audio Asylum one person posted that my Linn Karma would be a better match with the Syntec .Will try it out.

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Very nice TD124 Rajiv, glad you have it running now. Hope to hear it sometime in your system as I have never heard a TD124 though I have heard a few other variants of Thorens.

Interesting to read about comparisons/similarities between the Thorens TD124, Garrard 301, Linn LP12 and the Lenco L75. You have been lucky to own all 4 at some point. Wish you luck to get an EMT soon :).
The Lenco in my opinion is super value, given its current market prices relative to the Garrard 301 and TD124

+1 to above. Add L70 and L78 to the list. They are almost equally as good as the L75. But the following caveats emptor applies, as it does to other classic idlers -

(a) all these idlers invariably come in resonant box plinths and therefore need a new, mass loaded, heavy plinth (or may be something similar to the Loricraft plinth). One should be ready to invest time and money on a new plinth. The box plinths they come in - however nicely finished and well made - are not worth the cost of the material, and are prime candidates for the dust bin.

(b) the mechanicals needs some TLC (oiling/greasing/cleaning). The best of course is to do the whole monty and completely dis-assemble and re-assemble, and replace some critical parts. There are rebuild kits available for not too great an outlay. Depending on their state, belts and idler wheels may also need replacement.

(c) depending on which tonearm and cartridge they came with, replacing the cartridge, or both arm and cart, may be necessary to extract what these machines are capable of.
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Hi all,

I had the opportunity to see this TT when it was being serviced, and was astonished at its quiet operation , with almost nil vibration, to top it all the platter comes to the rated speed with a couple of seconds(ie even less than one rotation).

No doubt that it will sound superb with Rajiv's set up.

And I think again, that my visit is due to Rajiv's place. :licklips:

Just my 2 cents

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