Thorens TD124 up and running

My bad. Should have realized that whatever cartridge you have would be of high quality. Did not know that SL15 is close to SPU.

The other suggestion I have is that the headshell is not particularly great on Syntec. You may want to change with a better one.



Anil,planning to get the tonearm cable from Ebay.

The Ortofon SL15 is a very good cartridge.It has the same tonality of the SPU,and was a replacement for the SPU.

Mine is just back from a Soundsmith rebuild. It has very few hours on it.

Some say the EMT TSD 15 is based on the Ortofon SL 15 design just as the EMT tonearm is based on the Thorens TD 14 tonearm,but with EMT's cost no object use of superior parts and manufacturing quality.

On Audio Asylum one person posted that my Linn Karma would be a better match with the Syntec .Will try it out.

Hi Rajiv,

My suggestion would be skip ebay look at partsconnexion or was it another site where they have tonearm wire bulk. Order the cardas either for head socket to phono input length or regular interconnect length and buy your choice of RCA plugs and roll your own cables.

It's what I'm gonna do for my next tonearm and for a pair of cardas interconnects also. I had calculated and the diff in price is quite a bit. I think even mogami wire is available bulk off a reel.


Edit: Just struck me you might be meaning only the internal tonearm wire in which case ebay prices are decent.
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For internal tonearm wires Rajiv, I will have about 2m to spare. Once virenji wires my sme, will know how much!

Will post it to you if you want it. The ones that I have we're bought from the guy who makes the terminator arm. He uses the same wire for his tonearm!

Let me know if you'd want it!
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