I had auditioned the ES80 a couple of years ago and was mighty impressed. Good seperation, clear Midrange & bass. It was a 15 min demo so I could not go into the complete spectrum of songs.
I have shortlisted it for my HK3490 amp (amp will be purchased by Diwali or so.). The other speakers I have shortlisted are Sonodyne & Lithos Kontra. Still have to audition them.
JBL Studio Monitors are excellent products. Almost unbeatable at what they are designed to do. Can't recall the exact model, but I did hear some 4xxx a few years ago. The sound was very neutral, truly pro-grade equipment those.
LS series were very detailed. Not the smoothest sounding speakers you could buy, but then, they cost so little.
I haven't heard the 5 series so I will just say, coming from JBL they couldn't be bad.
Before buying my Focal Chorus 726v I have auditioned JBL LS80. They were fantastic. It was like live concert. The bass is tight. The mid and highs were too good. (audition song: Another day in paradise, Phil Collins) But the price . Could not afford Rs 2 Lac on speakers... So Focal
I have JBL 4410a studio monitors. Very detailed, neutral sound. At first I thought it would be too bright but its not fatiguing to listen to it at louder volume for hours at a stretch. Fantastic speakers!
@madman29 Thanks for enlightening me with the Price,until now I had thought that the price of GBP 1099 mentioned on the JBL UK website was for a pair,just re-checked and found out its actually the price for a single floorstander and not for a pair!
@manoj.p wow the JBL 4400 series speakers are recording studio grade speakers.Just gone through the 4410a specs on the JBL Pro website and im sure they sound astounding!
I have now the JBL LS80. They are great, for classical music as well as pop and jazz. No irritating highs (too much and sharp) and also a bass that's totally in control and goes really low although they say it's only to 50Hz. Don't take the black ones, the others are much more beautifull!