Thread for the Coffee lovers

We have been devotees of Leo coffee for 30+ years. IN their outlets they sell pure Arabica, Robusta or Blends (sans Chicory). You could buy from 250 gms onwards. Get a coffee maker from Preethi for ease - else can use traditional coffee filter too.

Their flavours available in super markets have chicory in varying degrees (I haven't tried them though).

Cothas coffee comes close when I couldn't buy from Leo.
Try Araku Valley Coffee. Great taste. , or

PS: Not associated with them in any way.
I have strong opinions about coffee. Read them at your own risk.

1. Instant coffee is not coffee. It's a coffee like flavored drink.
2. Chicory ruins coffee.
3. Only 100% Arabica. Robusta is not coffee.
4. Coffee should be like your woman's heart. Dark and bitter. Milk and sugar ruins it.
5. Beans must be ground fresh and consumed same day.
6. 15 bar espresso machine is must. But mokka pot/ French press/ aeropress is also ok, for a different type of taste.

To answer your questions, Blue Tokai, IKEA house brands are good. Starbucks is same thing for more money.
Never grind coffee beans in a normal mixie. A burr grinder is a worthwhile investment.
If you must buy instant, get Nescafe Gold region specials like Cap Columbi or Alta Rica. Davidoff is also not bad. Amazon sells them much cheaper.
OMG!! Having gone through the rocky path, absolutely agree with most of the points.
I am Bringing back this thread to life. So, what espresso machines do you guys use? Is Agaro a good brand?

If you talk to coffee aficionados then no. But I personally know a few people who use their "espresso" machines and are happy with it.

I use only manual brewing methods Pourover (v60), Aeropress and a Nanopresso (handheld pump espresso)
If you talk to coffee aficionados then no. But I personally know a few people who use their "espresso" machines and are happy with it.

I use only manual brewing methods Pourover (v60), Aeropress and a Nanopresso (handheld pump espresso)
I will dig and find more info about this. Is espresso machines bad? I am also considering De'Longhi EC685.
I will dig and find more info about this. Is espresso machines bad? I am also considering De'Longhi EC685.
Espresso machines are not bad. Most of the Chinese ones (like AGARO, etc) though have their share of issues and aren't really proper espresso machines. Having said that if you aren't very fussy these are ok. The De'Longhi is an OK machine with its share of quirks. With espresso the grind size and grinder also make a huge difference.
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