Three Queries


Seems there are two sets of information : one, that the music has been tinkered with/enhanced; two, that music has been 'filled in' wherever it had gone 'missing'.

I wouldn't know about this as I have not listened to these CDs, nor have I got all the records that are being discussed here.

My point is - if the music has been enhanced ( e.g., enhanced with an echo effect, or change of instruments such as use of drums instead of a tabla or some such thing), I am not in.

Just click on the following and make ur own decision.....
u will find exactly the things u mention that u would'nt want to be done to the original recordings, viz - enhanced with an echo effect, or change of instruments.....

o sajana barkha bahar aayi, o sajana barkha bahar aayi song, o sajana barkha bahar aayi songs, music of o sajana barkha bahar aayi, o sajana barkha bahar aayi lyrics, o sajana barkha bahar aayi lyric, download o sajana barkha bahar aayi, o sajana bar

BTW - for me, this might just be Lata's best song ever....

Back to the topic of the thread:).

Seems Clear Audio, Spiral Groove, Bergmann can't audition their equipment in India - haven't had so much as a squeak from them after I requested for an audition. The Clear Audio dealer of course brushed me in no uncertain terms by saying that you can order a turntable but no auditions.

Scheu is ready to audition. Will have to see if I can audition a Kuzma and a VPI ( no word from the VPI dealer in response to my mail yet).


Update - will have to check out dealers overseas for a better deal. Singapore is the place to go it seems.

Please let me know what kind of moolah do I have to set aside for customs duties and VAT ( if applicable) on landing in India. Percentages will do.


Will ask around for used record sites in Singapore.

How does one calculate the total cost for buying overseas?
1. For instance, if I buy a turntable-tonearm combo for say, 100 Pounds in the UK.
2. The seller will add a VAT @ 20% of invoice value.
3. Total is 120 pounds.
4. I have to get the VAT waived (where? at the airport before embarking for India? Cost reverts to 100 Pounds
5. I land in Bombay and our friendly customs department slaps a customs duty of 36% of the invoice value. Does anyone here know the customs duty for turntables? Tonearms? Cartridges?
So, 100 x 73 =7300 is the invoice value ( for an exchange rate of 1 Pound = INR 73, say).
Total is 7300+ 2628= INR 9928 ( landed cost)
6. Since VAT has not been actually paid, I may have to pay VAT here, @ 12.5%. If it is on the landed cost, then it is 12.5 % of INR 9928.
So the grand total is now 9928+1489.2= INR 11417.2

Is my understanding correct? Please advise if it is not.

By the way, am closely following an idler wheel drive turntable Saskia at

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Hi Issigonis

Welcome to the idler world. If you are looking at Oswald, you can also check out Jean Nantais.
Hi Issigonis

Welcome to the idler world. If you are looking at Oswald, you can also check out Jean Nantais.



Checked out OMA for the Saskia turntable; received info that it has been phased out. OMA says it is building a next gen idler drive turntable for launch in summer.

Also, are the Schick and Schroder tonearms any good? [ I am a beginner here, so please do not mind my stupid questions].

Is my calculation of the cost for imports from overseas, correct?

Hi Issigonis

Your customs duty calculation seems ok to me.

The Schroeder arm is very very good. Its quite expensive too. Some of the refurbished Garrard 301s use Thomas Schik 12 inch arms. I do not know much about them.

What is your budget for the total set up i.e. table, arm, cartridge, phono stage, cables from tonearm to phono stage, cables from phono stage to preamp, and power cables, in case you do not wish to use the stock cords?

With an arm like the Schroeder reference, you are easily running into a 20000 dollar plus budget.
Is my understanding correct? Please advise if it is not.

By the way, am closely following an idler wheel drive turntable Saskia at

Let me add my two pence. :D

The VAT is for the citizens of the country. So, you being a tourist will be exempted of that. Normally the site quotes the prices with VAT. BTW there is no VAT on used items!

Best way is to get the VAT form signed at the store (normally most of the stores have it). Present it at the VAT reclaim centre (at airports), in UK there is one in the city, alongwith the invoice and take the VAT money back.

Now, why would the customs bother about these items if you carry it with you, if it is used. Most of them dont even know the difference between a tonearm and a kitchen appliance. Tell them it is salad cutter! :ohyeah:

In the worst case scenario, the customs is 25% on the electronics. BTW you can shop upto 25K value which wont attract customs.

So, you see you wont have to pay customs. Tell the price of TT to be 20K or even less. If its used then its safe to say you owned since last three generations and took it along with you for repairs! :)

Its all about convincing customs.
Let me add my two pence. :D

The VAT is for the citizens of the country. So, you being a tourist will be exempted of that. Normally the site quotes the prices with VAT. BTW there is no VAT on used items!

Best way is to get the VAT form signed at the store (normally most of the stores have it). Present it at the VAT reclaim centre (at airports), in UK there is one in the city, alongwith the invoice and take the VAT money back.

Now, why would the customs bother about these items if you carry it with you, if it is used. Most of them dont even know the difference between a tonearm and a kitchen appliance. Tell them it is salad cutter! :ohyeah:

In the worst case scenario, the customs is 25% on the electronics. BTW you can shop upto 25K value which wont attract customs.

So, you see you wont have to pay customs. Tell the price of TT to be 20K or even less. If its used then its safe to say you owned since last three generations and took it along with you for repairs! :)

Its all about convincing customs.


Thank you for your information.

I will run into a few issues though :

i. I will be buying new

ii. I might have to ask the British dealer to ship it for me, in which case the customs duty will be levied on the invoice value at a rate which the customs officials ( and not I) will decide. From your mail, the maximum duty leviable on electronic items is 25%, which is better than the 36% that I thought about

iii. If it is shipped by the dealer, I will have to set it up myself and even if there is a dealer here, he won't be interested in providing any support as I have not bought it from him

Do let us know how your buying experience in the UK.

Hi Issigonis

Your customs duty calculation seems ok to me.

The Schroeder arm is very very good. Its quite expensive too. Some of the refurbished Garrard 301s use Thomas Schik 12 inch arms. I do not know much about them.

What is your budget for the total set up i.e. table, arm, cartridge, phono stage, cables from tonearm to phono stage, cables from phono stage to preamp, and power cables, in case you do not wish to use the stock cords?

With an arm like the Schroeder reference, you are easily running into a 20000 dollar plus budget.



I have been in an exploratory mode for the past few weeks, surfing the audiophile fora, audiophile reviews, product info and so on to shortlist my list. Also I have had a few auditions and hope to do some more- hopefully I will get to hear a Kuzma, a VPI, another SME and maybe a Linn.

As of now I have been impressed by the sound quality of the Clearaudio and the SME. I have not thought about the cabling yet. Maybe your cue is just right to request experts to pitch in with their suggestions, both in terms of quality and cost!

As of now I plan to allocate approximately 70% of the spend to the turntable-tonearm-cartridge-phonostage combo. Am thinking of two cartridges, one for regular use and one for special listening. Have got some info on turntables-tonearms from dealers. Let us see how it goes.

I will check out Nantais too, although I am not a DIY guy.

Hi Issigonis

The Nantais is not a DIY in that sense. Its a plug and play like any other table. Excepting that a old Lenco 75 has been completely refurbished.

All the best in your search.

I am researching the EMT, taking off from prem's 'second innings' thread on his acquisition of a vintage 938. Have also enquired about the Avids.

Re. the EMT, I would like to know which of the models ( 927, 930, 928, 950, 950E, 948 & 938) would be the most 'silent' and stable and transparently allow the music to sound as it was recorded.

The 927 and the 930 were simpler, whereas the 950 onwards had loads of electronics. Will appreciate preferences from the experts on 'silence' amongst these legendary models.

Have received info. on SME.


Next challenge : choice of tonearm - 9 incher or twelve?

Experts, please provide your arguments for the pros and cons for both.

And the next challenge : one cartridge or two?

Both will be low output MC.

I was thinking of using one for my 'regular' 45 and 33 1/3 rpm records and a less expensive one for my 78 rpms ( I am sentimentally attached to the 78: love their speed and more importantly the voice of veterans like Fayyaz Khan - majestic!)

Request to our experts again to illuminate.

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Go for a 12 inch... tracks better and has a more balanced response even when tracking the extreme (inner and outer) grooves...

Ok. Twelve inch it will be.

Now about the other : one cartridge or two, with a less expensive one for the 78 rpm?

Have more or less finalised on the turntable; time to rob a bank.

Get the Wharfedale EVO 4.2 3-Way Standmount Speakers at a Special Offer Price.