Topping TP20 tripath 2020 amplifier (versus NAD C320BEE)

I am not saying the NAD does "one note bass"....not at all, but it sounds like the Topping goes a little more distance in producing accurate and musical low frequencies.

Someone described the sound of the Topping (and the TA2020 chip in general) as 'beguiling'.....I'm forced to agree!

Thanks psychotropic for bringing out this wonderful thread.

I am a true new comer on this audio field. Its looks to be a good bet for me, where without spending a fortune I can graduate myself in thid field and later go for an expensive products like NAD, Marantz etc. So, most likely I am going to order one.

Just one question, does this amp have a sub out so that I can go for a 2.1 system?
it's actually a great way for someone on a really tight budget to experience good sound. There is no sub out, but some subs accept speaker level inputs and you could use this amp with those.

I might end up doing that if and when i buy my sub.

Thanks psychotropic for bringing out this wonderful thread.

I am a true new comer on this audio field. Its looks to be a good bet for me, where without spending a fortune I can graduate myself in thid field and later go for an expensive products like NAD, Marantz etc. So, most likely I am going to order one.

Just one question, does this amp have a sub out so that I can go for a 2.1 system?
it's actually a great way for someone on a really tight budget to experience good sound. There is no sub out, but some subs accept speaker level inputs and you could use this amp with those.

I might end up doing that if and when i buy my sub.

Thanks for the inputs. I will let the forum know about my experience if I eventually go for one.
Yesterday I managed to do a fairly detailed comparison of the NAD and the Topping. Fortunately or unfortunately, nothing revolutionary or different from my observations based on memory were observed.

I tested both with the following tracks

Steely Dan - Aja, Deacon Blues
Dire Straits - Heavy Fuel, Fade to Black
Usher Demo CD - Track 9 (the chinese drums)

The Topping is more detailed and more dynamic. The high frequencies are more clearly separated, and there's a lot more air about the sound. The low frequency performance is in fact very similar. I did observe from memory that the Topping seemed to produce more musical bass, but on this comparison I couldn't really make out that distinction.

The sound of the Topping seemed to have smoothed out a bit, and it's sounding quite brilliant. The high frequencies are rich and detailed without being harsh in any way. The mid-range is lively and beautiful (is it a colouration? or is the NAD simply inferior? I don't know). The bass is deep, musical and authoritative.

I think I will just repeat what I said earlier, this is the steal of a century for Rs. 4000. If you have full-range speakers, or high sensitivity speakers or a small room, this amp will most likely match or exceed any budget amp in the sub Rs. 30,000 category.

Of course now I am looking at whether it is possible to bridge these babies and put together a dual-mono combo of these putting out double the effective power (14 clean watts per channel). We could also assemble a kickass multi-channel setup using these buggers.

Another thought was to put a tube pre, 4 toppings and an active crossover to make a dual mono bi-amped setup putting out 28 clean watts per channel, for the cost of a budget amplifier.

Okay, I am getting a bit carried away, and I don't know if any of the above is feasible, but hey.....this is a totally exciting little device and I am sure there are tons of possibilities, even if the ones I've listed are wrong/infeasible. Usually audiophile components at mass-market prices are the exclusive preserve of DIY-ers, but here's an instance where the DIY-challenged noobs can also get a slice of the action.

Note of Caution: One thing that flanker tells me about the tripath amps is to be super careful about shorting the amp at the speaker terminals, one contact and the amp will fry. These are apparently not as forgiving as other amps to short-circuiting.
What about noise floor? But I guess other components in the chain will impact that as well ...

on ebay i don't think there's official and unofficial, none of the sellers are the manufacturers. The second link you posted is the one i used. The seeller has a 99.8% feedback as opposed to the first link where the seller has a 97.something. And the second one comes with a power supply.

@raja - yes, his name is adya tripathi

@santhosh - yeah, or you can buy without a PSU and arrange for your own PSU....for instance it works perfectly with the PSU of the Airtel Digital TV set top box (12v, 3A).

@ram - yup flanker has a tripath amp and he raves about it as well. I was just chatting with him about the tripath amp yesterday and that's when he was warning me about shorting them. it was him speaking about the tripath amp at the first HFV meet that got me curious and now I've ended up with one :) (and i ended up giving my car for service over there also :) )
Now, I remember, but when we heard at his place, it was okay no where near the NAD!!! For its money, it was good! But his speakers were awesome so may be it was not forgiving!

So our HFV meet will give us a good idea.
which NAD was this? and like I was saying, you need sensitive speakers and/or a small room to get the best out of this amp, it's like an SET amp in that sense i guess, you put an 86 dB speaker in a large-ish room and hook it up to this, it definitely won't sound great. And a more muscular NAD would sound much better.

But matched with the right components it's easily superior to the C320BEE. flanker seemed to indicate that this was in line with his expectations as well.

Now, I remember, but when we heard at his place, it was okay no where near the NAD!!! For its money, it was good! But his speakers were awesome so may be it was not forgiving!

So our HFV meet will give us a good idea.
which NAD was this? and like I was saying, you need sensitive speakers and/or a small room to get the best out of this amp, it's like an SET amp in that sense i guess, you put an 86 dB speaker in a large-ish room and hook it up to this, it definitely won't sound great. And a more muscular NAD would sound much better.

But matched with the right components it's easily superior to the C320BEE. flanker seemed to indicate that this was in line with his expectations as well.

Given madbulls eval above/below it may not sound good with FR and revealing drivers.

Moreover will an amp that can be powered by 12V DC give the same dynamic range?

@Madbull what speakers did you hear the T20 with?

Some DIY upgrades

A low cost upgrade mod is to replace the existing2 input film capacitors with paper in oil type vintage
2uF 500V Paper Capacitors MBGCH. Lot of 2 - eBay (item 200438545067 end time Feb-18-10 10:52:18 PST)

or if you get locally :
Use ...
4 X EPCOS MKP 2.2uF 275V TUBE AMPLIFIER CAPACITOR! - eBay (item 380168252538 end time Mar-13-10 17:08:53 PST)

Going a step more
Replace the coils with 10uH 3A toroids like : Choke coil for class-D amplifiers 10uH 3A - eBay (item 260552290618 end time Mar-14-10 05:01:12 PDT)

The 41hz AMP6 kit (TA2020)comes with these type of toroids .. as well as it is recommended in many places over the net..
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revealing speakers will not be a problem as this is a pretty detailed amp, but difficult to drive speakers would be a problem yes. But if you want the tripath sound with more power then you can look at the Virtue Audio amplifiers, that are supposed to be quite brilliant. I am considering picking one up but probably after I pick up a sub and see how I like the sound of the setup with the sub and if i crave an improvement.

regarding the power supply.....with my 12V, 5A PSU it was more dynamic than my torroidal tranformer equipped NAD!

Given madbulls eval above/below it may not sound good with FR and revealing drivers.

Moreover will an amp that can be powered by 12V DC give the same dynamic range?

@Madbull what speakers did you hear the T20 with?

i havent heard a TP20 amp yet so i cant comment on that particularly but i have heard some SET amps

i see comparisons of this amp with others
the issue of detail is well debatable but sirs are you sure this amp provides you the weight and soundstage of an integrated?

i would be really really surprised if i heard a chip amp ( after hearing some set amps) that would equal an integrated in those aspects
even a NAD which is considered cloudy by some

i see a lot of potential of these amps in micro systems and ive got my mind on building something for car audio too for which ive ordered a topping
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