Topping TP20 tripath 2020 amplifier (versus NAD C320BEE)

hehe hey vortex, we definitely are, unfortunately i've been getting buggerred with work the past few weeks. Weekends included. As soon as things get a bit free I'll pop over with the little amp and we'll see how it does :)

Let me know when things ease up a bit dude, I'd like to listen to your setup one of these days...:D

vortex: what single driver speakers are you using? I always thought you had a bookshelf...
Will do man, we could do go to Bala's place together if we plan adequately well.

Yeah, and he uses the Epos M12.2 AFAIK, should be interesting to see how the Topping does with them.

Let me know when things ease up a bit dude, I'd like to listen to your setup one of these days...:D

vortex: what single driver speakers are you using? I always thought you had a bookshelf...
Yes - I use the M12.2 speakers along with Viren's 2A3C SET amp. And sure guys - it should be fun to have you over.
Received my TA-2020 from ebay china, in just under 4 weeks. Arrived well-packed, in good shape, and accompanied by the power supply i'd separately ordered. (cost me approx USD 70, plus Rs. 300 that the postal dept took as duty)

The only speakers I had lying around at the time were these aged but decent (and slightly boomy) sony bookshelves that are usually tied to my computer thru an Akai amp.

I can safely say that i've never, ever heard those speakers sound that way. It was just as psychotropic reported. Warm, detailed; exact and well-staged. And clean. So clean!
These were 6 ohm spkrs so power suffered, but with the right source, the sound was loud enough. I tried this as a setup for a cd source, bluray (on the laptop), ipod touch and the digital cable box signal.

I heard everything from vintage clapton to beastie boys to mj with stops at floyd, ccr, WA phoenix, and excursions to AR rahman and SEL etc. A Maclaughlin album i didn't like before fully tripped me out.

The good: Waaaay better than anything i've heard at that price. Well built. Simple. Perfect for a tight stereo setup in my study (i'm fantasising about an LP setup now).

The umm: The transparency and accuracy mean that every flaw in the source (including low-bitrate mp3) was apparent. The IDT sound processing app on my laptop that i previously thought was ineffectual, finally showed what damaging shapes it was giving to the music.

The bad: with weak sources (or non-leveled mp3s) the output was low. Of course, the inefficient speakers were to blame for that too.
All the low-end oomph and muscle that constitutes 'experience' wasn't there. I don't see this being useful in a TV or gaming setup (unless you want to tell exactly where the footsteps in counterstrike are coming from!)
And the usual, very limited options for input and output.

I will head out this weekend, amp in tow, to request the ever-resourceful Rishi at Alliance4 to find me a matching pair of speakers.
This cost less than one night out at sports bar. There's no reason not to have one!
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Alliance 4 should have the CA S30, please do audition that one if you can, on paper it sounds like a match made in heaven :) 90 dB sensitivity, and a good pair of speakers! With those I am guessing you won't the bass lacking too much either.

Received my TA-2020 from ebay china, in just under 4 weeks. Arrived well-packed, in good shape, and accompanied by the power supply i'd separately ordered. (cost me approx USD 70, plus Rs. 300 that the postal dept took as duty)

The only speakers I had lying around at the time were these aged but decent (and slightly boomy) sony bookshelves that are usually tied to my computer thru an Akai amp.

I can safely say that i've never, ever heard those speakers sound that way. It was just as psychotropic reported. Warm, detailed; exact and well-staged. And clean. So clean!
These were 6 ohm spkrs so power suffered, but with the right source, the sound was loud enough. I tried this as a setup for a cd source, bluray (on the laptop), ipod touch and the digital cable box signal.

I heard everything from vintage clapton to beastie boys to mj with stops at floyd, ccr, WA phoenix, and excursions to AR rahman and SEL etc. A Maclaughlin album i didn't like before fully tripped me out.

The good: Waaaay better than anything i've heard at that price. Well built. Simple. Perfect for a tight stereo setup in my study (i'm fantasising about an LP setup now).

The umm: The transparency and accuracy mean that every flaw in the source (including low-bitrate mp3) was apparent. The IDT sound processing app on my laptop that i previously thought was ineffectual, finally showed what damaging shapes it was giving to the music.

The bad: with weak sources (or non-leveled mp3s) the output was low. Of course, the inefficient speakers were to blame for that too.
All the low-end oomph and muscle that constitutes 'experience' wasn't there. I don't see this being useful in a TV or gaming setup (unless you want to tell exactly where the footsteps in counterstrike are coming from!)
And the usual, very limited options for input and output.

I will head out this weekend, amp in tow, to request the ever-resourceful Rishi at Alliance4 to find me a matching pair of speakers.
This cost less than one night out at sports bar. There's no reason not to have one!
All the low-end oomph and muscle that constitutes 'experience' wasn't there. Ie!

ahh this is what i was talking about earlier when i adviced buyers to pick speakers with some weight ( musical weight ) if they were gonna match with this amp
Musical weight? Magma, can you please elaborate? or give a few examples?
Btw, kanwarstation do check out CA s30 and CA sirocco 5.1 for all of us.
i audio
the above is purely my opinion ( however noobish it is )
i hardly have any experience judging musical equipment compared to our seniors here

but ive heard a chip amp ( not this one in question though so i can say with no certainty )
the chip amp lacked weight that regular integrated's provide
(umm its difficult to describe weight but kanwar described it as "that experince/feel" of being enveloped by music "
i would say
Good low frequency response below about 50 Hz. A sense of substance and underpinning produced by deep, controlled bass. Suggesting an object of great weight or power, like a diesel locomotive)
P.S above arent exactly my words too but i agree

speakers that have a decent amount of weight would be a dinyaars B&W's (i think most B&W's for that fact ) PSB B 25 , and to some extent even a tannoy
Also many speakers offer weight its just that ive heard the ones above and hence the mention of them

The NAD for e.g adds an amount of weight to the music at the expense of airiness when compared to a marantz
and hence the feeling that most have is justified that the marantz may feel more detailed to a listner
its your personla preference as a listner about what you like

of course the above are just my opinions and no one should suscribe to them since im a no-one too
hey magma, i don't know about other chip-amps, but this Tripath amp does not in any way lag behind the NAD C320BEE when it comes to 'weight'.

My initial impression was that it actually did more musical bass than the NAD without any loss in slam or authority, but more careful A/B comparison didn't reveal any differences in the low frequencies, and this is with my 86 dB rated Ushers.

Hopefully soon places like Bombay and Delhi will have tripath owners on HFV and the members can hop over their houses to check out this marvel. All Chennai-ites are welcome to check it out at my place (and compare it with the NAD).

I may get this next week.Intending to use it with my desktop and aiwa book shelves.Hope it gets along with my XFi soundcard.

Srikarkav (and other owners),
Please post responses when you do get time to listen to it. I'm leaning towards this amp based on psycho's good impression but also want to hear from others before deciding. This is for a friend's desktop system so he won't forgive me if I waste his hard-earned money with a recommendation he can't listen to. :cool:

Srikarkav (and other owners),
Please post responses when you do get time to listen to it. I'm leaning towards this amp based on psycho's good impression but also want to hear from others before deciding. This is for a friend's desktop system so he won't forgive me if I waste his hard-earned money with a recommendation he can't listen to. :cool:



I will post my impressions once i get my hands on it.

From what I recall the TA2021 is not as good as the TA2020 chip but I don't know how. In terms of power i think they're about identical. The big caps do look impressive I agree :).

Considering how little they cost I am sure it's worth taking a shot :)
Lots of differences. This is the Lepai amp, which I've used as well. Construction is inferior, parts are inferior, it has no "pop" suppressing circuitry so every time you trn it on your speakers emit a sickening pop that I am sure is not very good for them, they have tone knobs which are a bit fiddly and a bit hard to find dead neutral on them, instead of binding posts they have spring clips and it does not come with a power supply. But yes, the chip is the same, and it sounds excellent (i've not done an A/B comparison, but there were no apparent advantages or disadvantages compared to the Topping), and it's ridiculous value for a 1000 bucks.

However, I thought the differences were totally worth the additional price, because once you put in a power supply the Lepai's cost comes up to 2000 and then the difference is 2000, and that's not much. I've used this one also, and for 1000 bucks it's unbeatable, but if you have a bit more change lying around it's totally worth going for a better put together amp like the Topping which has less chance of harming your speakers.
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.