Topping TP20 tripath 2020 amplifier (versus NAD C320BEE)

I think i have been quite lucky in getting these drivers. T/S parameters not available. So i used open baffles. Guess what's the price of 1 driver? Rs 300/- (original philips drivers). I don't have any objective data about frq response but i checked it with a test note program from net. It gave easily audible notes down to 45Hz. 40Hz was audible with difficulty and 35 was inaudible.

Didn't know Philips makes full range drivers. Could you also test how high they go?

And just for Rs. 800/- Great buy :clapping:
The tp20 is available from arjen helder too
New Version Class T Amp 20w x2 Tripath TA2020 Amplifier - eBay (item 250579418243 end time Mar-14-10 04:48:03 PDT)


The speaker connectors are different, the seller has 99.9% feedback and the price is without power supply which may be ordered additionally.
I had read in diya about a bigger better cap in the 12v line for better bass, which arjen helder provides with his tp20, have to ask him about that mod.
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yeah this guy does some capacitor mods. But this is the first version of the TP20, without the binding posts or RCA connectors. Soundquality wise it should still be the same I guess.

The tp20 is available from arjen helder too
New Version Class T Amp 20w x2 Tripath TA2020 Amplifier - eBay (item 250579418243 end time Mar-14-10 04:48:03 PDT)


The speaker connectors are different, the seller has 99.9% feedback and the price is without power supply which may be ordered additionally.
I had read in diya about a bigger better cap in the 12v line for better bass, which arjen helder provides with his tp20, have to ask him about that mod.
Hi Psychotropic and all the other gurus on this thread:

I've been lurking/researching on this forum for a couple of days, since I've passed my wife's trial by fire and lived without buying any serious performance audio for *years*!

I read this thread and immediately ordered one of these babies from Arjen (problems with impulse management)

I now have no real clue about a decent budget pair of speakers that i could easily get.
And so i'm wondering: Would Norge's bookshelves do? What about Wharfedale 9.2? Or is the Cambridge S30 a good fit? This is for a budget stereo set-up in the 10' x 12' bedroom (originally looking at norge 2060 and wharfedale 9.2). I'm very screwed for time, so I'm trying to spring for whatever sounds good within easy reach i.e. Alliance 4 will help me buy it :)

Any advice (or reprimand) would be welcome
The best way would be to wait till you get hold of the amp. Once it comes in your hands, carry that with your CDs to all shops you can and audiotion it. Thankfully it is so tiny that you can easily carry it around.

Look for speakers with sensitivity > 90dB
yeah jaudere's advice is best......this amp is easy to carry around, and you can try it out with various speakers, I think the Cambridge Audio S30 would be an excellent option as it is rated at 90 dB sensitivity and are very good speakers indeed, especially when you consider that they cost 8,000 bucks.
thanks, that sounds logical.

I anyway have to pound the pavements for a good HT setup for my living room, and all the cash i've hopefully saved with this is going right into that budget.

But that's another thread, another day :)
Yes Kanwar, stick to what Jaudere said. As the amp is so portable you can carry it around with your favourite cds and see which speakers sound best with it! Thats a luxury you dont always get.
Congrats on the new Topping! Tp20 is it? I thought Arjen helder was held up with chinese new year holiday!

Psycho, I am still waiting for Indeed hi fi to list the mk2 tp20 again.
I am really keen on trying the tripath amp too. But my room is 14ft X 22ft and listening distance is of around 8-10ft.
Do you think I would be better off considering other options?

I wud also be probably buying a sub.
I mainly listen to trance(flac,mp3 from laptop), and basically want to know how this would compare to my other options (for arnd 30-35k) like an AE5 + sub or norge + some Floorstander.
Kaustub, If you are gonna listen to trance and are sure to get a sub, you can go for sub with bookshelf speakers combo. Wharfedale 9.1+ SW150(12+18k). I am not sure how good the topping tp20 is for Trance, Psychotropic might be able to comment on that.
Psycho, I am still waiting for Indeed hi fi to list the mk2 tp20 again.

While Topping TP20 MK2 is available from other sellers, I'm thinking whether it will be worth waiting till someone makes a full package based on TP20 MK3 board that Arjen is selling right now. If I did not have these clumsy hands and was a bit less lazier, I'd have been on to it right now :)
Kaustub, If you are gonna listen to trance and are sure to get a sub, you can go for sub with bookshelf speakers combo. Wharfedale 9.1+ SW150(12+18k). I am not sure how good the topping tp20 is for Trance, Psychotropic might be able to comment on that.

thanks.. yes, will wait for psychotropic's comment's. especially after going through his thread on quest for speakers <20k, hope to get a lot from him. would like to know which standmounts I could audition to pair with the tripath that would sound good in a large room at a listening distance of 10ft.. (+ a sub)

and if i would be better off with say a norge+warfadale 9.5 (no sub)
Psycho, I am still waiting for Indeed hi fi to list the mk2 tp20 again.

Now, Indeed has listed:

2010 New Model TOPPING TP20 MK2 TA2020 T Amp + Adapter - eBay (item 290411471325 end time Apr-07-10 19:14:15 PDT)

Now, a N00b question. For someone who has no skills to DIY like me, what other than the case is required for creating an amp out of Arjen's MKIII TA2020 PCB? :o

New MKIII Tripath TA2020 PCB 25watt Class-T amplifier - eBay (item 250588540846 end time Mar-10-10 03:34:25 PST)
apparently audire is going to start distributing it from february, and sell it for 25k. It's a 300 dollar sub (going now for a festival iscount of 250 dollars), but considering how much it would cost to ship it from the US, i am guessing 25k is not a bad price to pay, and I've read very good things about the STF1.

have they started distributing the sub ??? just asking
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