Topping TP20 tripath 2020 amplifier (versus NAD C320BEE)

Or the ones having it are incapable of translating sonic characteristics into words :o. That's why I have invited a member of HFV to listen critically and write a audiophilic review so other members can take a call on it, while I continue to listen to music ;)

For my ears, it works well with Audire IO2 (in the background listening / burn-in / brain burn-in / initial stages of my setup / <<whatever you like>> period). But then, this is my first ever decent setup outside of crappy PC speakers, it just may be my inexperience speaking :indifferent14:

So you got the IO2s? Nice! What you paired them with?

Hows the SQ?

So you got the IO2s? Nice! What you paired them with?

Hows the SQ?


For now, it's a budget combination - Marantz CD63SE, Maverick DacMagic D1, Sony Cassette Deck (picked up from Mr. Sridhar Reddy in the forum) and Topping TP20. My HTPC is under process. So, should take a week or two to put the IO2's into stress test :)

The SQ is good, but would like to keep my opinions reserved until I do small treatments to the room. Due to frequent full day power cuts, I've done only relatively shorter time (about 35 hours) of background listening thus far. It has enough bass, mids are good, but treble earlier on felt a bit shouty (fresh out of the box). I listen at relatively low volumes (generally within 70-80 at listening position, so says SPL meter), so TP20 manages to fill my room more than enough. I have not seriously listened for a while now. Will post my N00bish rants once at least 100 hours, some serious listening and room treatment are up :)
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Hi all ,
I have a query regarding the delivery (thru Ebay) .. Does the package come directly to the address or do we hv to contact the post office regd this ?

I have a query regarding the delivery (thru Ebay) .. Does the package come directly to the address or do we hv to contact the post office regd this ?

It directly comes to the address.

So far, I've not noticed anybody being levied customs duty. I am guessing even in that case, the postman will collect it?

has anyone tried these with headphones?

I guess we will have to wait for sqvare's review
Hey guys,

To make things interesting (OMG, this parachute is a knapsack!), I ordered from three different eBay vendors on the same day, just to track the standard shipping process. The Vifa's come from the US, the Toppings are from two different vendors in China who use different shippers. And the two TP20's are a single shipment, to see how the levies, if any, work out on each consignment. And with my luck, there will be levies! Heavy levies!

Timeline so far, for the edification of future eBay shoppers, or anyone who cares :D Will post full timeline after I receive everything.

Fri, May 7th 13:51 -> Vifa tweeters - Ordered from purewave, got receipt email from PayPal
Fri, May 7th 23:10 -> TP21 - Ordered from snow48_6, got receipt email from PayPal
Fri, May 7th 23:13 -> TP20's - Ordered from wsz0304, got receipt email from PayPal
Sat, May 8th 08:12 -> Vifa's - Got shipping confirmation email from PayPal, with tracking number for USPS
Tue, May 11th 13:28 -> TP21 - Got shipping confirmation email from Vendor, with tracking number for China Post
Tue, May 11th 16:14 -> TP20's - Got shipping confirmation email from Vendor & PayPal, with tracking number for EMS

Wed, May 12th 10:00 -> Vifa's - arrived at Eugene, Oregon
Wed, May 12th 10:00 -> TP21 - no tracking info on ChinaPost site yet, hmmm...
Wed, May 12th 10:00 -> TP20's - arrive in Guangzhou from Heyuan
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Hi sqvare,
Did you at any time consider buying the Arjen Helder modded Toppings?


Hi grubyhalo,

I knew Arjen modded the kit boards, but wasn't aware he modded all the finished amps too; I thought he just QA'd them properly before despatch and that was the reason his price was a bit higher. Well, now once mine arrive I'll have to peek inside to see which caps are in there :o

Also, notice that several of the other sellers just copy Arjen's product descriptions? I wonder if they really mod as well, or if it's just copy+paste text...
Hi grubyhalo,

I knew Arjen modded the kit boards, but wasn't aware he modded all the finished amps too; I thought he just QA'd them properly before despatch and that was the reason his price was a bit higher. Well, now once mine arrive I'll have to peek inside to see which caps are in there :o

Also, notice that several of the other sellers just copy Arjen's product descriptions? I wonder if they really mod as well, or if it's just copy+paste text...

:ohyeah: Maybe they just share the same copy-writer? And, I did mean the Arjen Helder amp modules, not the completely finished amp he sells... :)
:ohyeah: Maybe they just share the same copy-writer? And, I did mean the Arjen Helder amp modules, not the completely finished amp he sells... :)

Ah I see! No, I didn't go the DIY route with the Toppings because 1) I'm lazy 2) I'm impatient & 3) My circuit-level skills are purely imaginary :)

I was however kind of bewitched by the kits that I saw someone on HFV (you? GeorgeO?) had recommended. Included everything but the power supply, chassis & veeblefetzers. So if the DIY bug bites hard and the wallet's in a good mood, maybe my next baby steps will be with one of those!
I think all ebay sellers copy-paste the description from Topping, the company that makes the amp. The Sogle relay etc. are part of the TP20 MK2 amp, from what I gathered reading about it. So, it is not Arjen's copyright per se.
Ah I see! No, I didn't go the DIY route with the Toppings because 1) I'm lazy 2) I'm impatient & 3) My circuit-level skills are purely imaginary :)

Guilty on all 3 counts but I'm hoping to hire a solder-slinger for the deed...:ohyeah: The Arjen Helder amp, along with his tube buffer module just might end up powering my bedroom rig. Ofcourse, all of this exists only in my head for now. :D

I was however kind of bewitched by the kits that I saw someone on HFV (you? GeorgeO?) had recommended. Included everything but the power supply, chassis & veeblefetzers. So if the DIY bug bites hard and the wallet's in a good mood, maybe my next baby steps will be with one of those!

Yup, the Class D's seem to be pretty darned good for the money and especially with the DIY Pass B1 as well as the DIY Dodd Audio battery buffer. If for any reason I don't go for the Pass F4/5, the Class D is going to be my fall-back...
I think all ebay sellers copy-paste the description from Topping, the company that makes the amp. The Sogle relay etc. are part of the TP20 MK2 amp, from what I gathered reading about it. So, it is not Arjen's copyright per se.

Hi ajinkya;

No, I didn't mean the description part, I meant Arjen's blurb section where he mentions clearly that his offer is without power supply, which is $15 extra.

There are other sellers who use the same blurb, but lower on their page, mention that power supply is included! The guy I bought from had this; I verified with him that the adapter was in fact included before ordering :lol:
Yes, there is discrepancy between what is pictured and what is is quite irritating :D
hi grubyhalo -

you share your avatar with supermod (HiFivision)

well, the corollary - are you SUPERMOD?

Buy from India's official online dealer!