Turntable Hum discussion

Just wanted to ask if the hum problem has been resolved. In case resolved ,please share how it was done as it will benefit all who have the same problems. Another issue which members can advise is on moter induced hum from tt's which have large AC motors like Garrard, older Thorens, Duals and Perpetuum Ebners. Thanks

No it’s not resolved. The problem now seems to be due to some electrical interference in my room rather than turntable.
As I get the hum in not only phono but in other inputs as well (CD Players ) when the AC is ON.

Since it’s not audible in listening position when music is played in moderate volume , it’s not that big an issue.
IME, you need to figure out if uts a 50 Hz hum or a 100 Hz Buzz. If figured out then it's due to the Phono Preamplifier internal power supply the main culprit. If you have option to change that then do so.

There are exceptions like Rega tonearms which simply uses the left channel's negative wire (blue) as ground wire. So you can also use a short wire to short left channel ground (barrel of the RCA) to phono preamp ground post.

<end of OT>
Thanks JLS. I am using a Rega tonarm without grounding. What I have done is grounded my Thorens chassis with my preamplifier ground. There is no hum in my setup. Also I have noticed some cartridge or even stylus cause more hum due to low output.
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