uncharted 3 is masterpeice ........


New Member
Aug 28, 2008
in my house..,
just finish uncharted 3 and its freaking awsome,,......graphics are the best till date .....soundtrack is phenomenon... and the story is great....

its like watching a movie .....the ship sink scene.....airplane crash....and best of the best scene is in which drake walk alone on sandy desert ..its so touching scene i can feel his pain in this particular scene ...:cool:


can't wait for uncharted 4 .....if its in production :rolleyes:....
Thanks for the review Manu! I just started playing Uncharted 2. Hopefully, I can finish it quickly and move on to Uncharted 3 :)
just finish uncharted 3 and its freaking awsome,,......graphics are the best till date .....soundtrack is phenomenon... and the story is great....

its like watching a movie

Feel the same here...I started playing it yesterday. Totally frickin awesome.

DTS soundtrack & sfx is awesome.. range is impeccable. A lot of effort seems to have gone into every aspect of the game like screenplay etc.
Any one of ya'll tried playing Uncharted:3 in 3D?

I tried it, effect are good. But did not feel confortable somehow. The game is a masterpiece though havent completed it yet. Had to finish ME2 before ME3 comes out :)

On a separate note, i still feel MGS4 was the best ever, uncharted 2/3 is very close though.. and Heavy rain would be in my top 4 as well.
quoted my reply from another thread :

Kindly buy a HDMI 1.4 and play Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception in 3D . The 3D is absolutely awesome in ST30. With mild adjustment , both within the game and in the TV(Panasonic ST30) under 3D setting , the 3D looks stunning and almost zero cross-talk. the best 3D experience i have had thus far. you guys should definitely try Uncharted 3. To be honest , both me and brother were comfortable for long hours of play. The Glasses also had better battery.

you need to have faster 3D TV to have zero cross talk. The 3D is amazing. Even though i loved the graphics ,sound etc , UC 3 is more about fighting than adventure imo. UC 1 and 2 were just awesome. Also enemy spanning is ridiculous. combat system is also not that good as it was UC 2.

I also think its time naughtydog come up with some alternate climbing and jumping strategy , coz its looking more ridiculous , doesnt feel realistic and also its somehow monotonous.

the game does give greater character detail and binding of characters with each other. Yes as one said , the desert level was great , the real loneliness etc.

Overall i would give 8/10 comparing mostly to UC:2 which is imho is 9/10 .
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