Urgent : Has anyone imported any AV gear in last 1 week

I tried to find it there, but I think first my IEC should reflect on dgft site. This would be the next step. Mostly links on dgft and icegate are broken. I opened most of the links with ip address at times instead of https used http to make links work.

This is what I have found on icegate.gov.in. It seems when one applies for an IEC at any regional office, that is sent to DGFT HQ and then DGFT HQ forwards that to icegate. This is my interpretation from below.

Spoke with a IAS friend, who handles customs, Gave a description of Audio DAC, she reverted back saying
"it comes under CTH 85437099 attracting 27.73 percent duty ( 7.5 BCD plus 18 GST)..."

Now I don't know how 77% was charged. I'm completely noob in this.
I don't know How having IEC will help us , Instead getting charged under the correct code matters. my DAC is coming in mid April, I'd be concerned if it goes above 50% in customs. Should I apply for IEC? Or having IEC means it's not for personal use and it will be charged ?

I had a impression that IEC is not required when,
Import/export of goods for personal use, which is not connected with trade, manufacture or agriculture.

Exactly correct and i got one stuff 1 month back and i was charged in this by Fedex.
Exactly correct and i got one stuff 1 month back and i was charged in this by Fedex.
Do you have IEC? The excuse given by dhl to me is, anything imported for personal use goes under 98049000 no matter what be it a horse or an amplifier, if the importer has no IEC.
On Friday, I applied applied for IEC and got it on mail and provided to DHL. They immediately revised to duty to 27.73% and revised the HS code and started the submission process which one would normally expect. Earlier they were using their own IEC or something.

As per latest update this morning, they are saying IEC is not valid and process is staled again.

My feeling is either DHL doesn't know how to process this or trying to extort money.

Today morning dhl customer care said I don't even need an IEC as it's a personal import. The clearance team and customer support are not in sync.

What one should do?

This was my understanding ie if it is for personal and not commercial use then IEC is not needed. this definitely was true 6 years back when i got my speakers in..i had to hire a CFA to clear off my consignment which was stuck in customs

as per this - http://www.eximguru.com/iec-code/de...provisions_and_conditions_for_iec_code_number
  • The following categories of importers or exporters are exempted from obtaining Importer - Exporter Code (IEC) number:
    1. Importers covered by clause 3 (1) [except sub-clauses (e) and (l)] and exporters covered by clause 3(2) [except sub-clauses (i) and (k)] of the Foreign Trade (Exemption from application of Rules in certain cases) Order, 1993.
    2. Ministries/Departments of the Central or State Government.
    3. Persons importing or exporting goods for personal use not connected with trade or manufacture or agriculture.
    4. Persons importing/exporting goods from/to Nepal provided the CIF value of a single consignment does not exceed Indian Rs.25,000.
    5. Persons importing/exporting goods from/to Myanmar through Indo-Myanmar border areas provided the CIF value of a single consignment does not exceed Indian Rs.25,000.

      However, the exemption from obtaining Importer-Exporter Code (IEC) number shall not be applicable for the export of Special Chemicals, Organisms, Materials, Equipments and Technologies (SCOMET) as listed in Appendix- 3, Schedule 2 of the ITC(HS) except in the case of exports by category(ii) above.
This was my understanding ie if it is for personal and not commercial use then IEC is not needed. this definitely was true 6 years back when i got my speakers in..i had to hire a CFA to clear off my consignment which was stuck in customs

as per this - http://www.eximguru.com/iec-code/de...provisions_and_conditions_for_iec_code_number
Problem is when you are in a situation like I am in currently, nothing works. One can not make either the shipment company or Customs understand or interpret their own rules/notifications. I shared a lots of emails, Customs notifications and a lot other stuff but nothing worked.

I would say to be on the safe side, if one has to import something, IEC code is must to have.
Times have changed sir... The govt. has changed rules because all Indians were getting stuff from China and worldwide marked as gifts and misusing the Rs. 5000 Gift rule... It's to curb the unfair practices , the govt. has increased customs duties and asked most of the Chinese companies to include customs duties in the actual prices to stop evasion of customs... We only have ourselves to blame...
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.