VFM hifi equipment post India-US FTA

I wouldn't count on it Panditji, I have never seen audio equipment become cheaper in India in the past 12 years that I have been here, regardless of FTA's or any other economic activity. Prices of audio equipment, like the USD only seem to climb higher and higher.
Regardless, looking forward to being able to buy Jack Daniel's at a more reasonable price now (rather than the 3800/bottle in Hyd), hopefully being that duty on bourbons has been reduced by 50%, but I am not really counting on it, Govt. will find a way - "what one hand giveth, the other hand taketh away".
Once they get the taste for selling products for higher price, I don't think any seller would want to reduce the costs.

Have you observed any product that had its cost reduced after the covid period. Covid bought the great demand for home theatres and the costs have only gone up and now no company wants to sell them around the old pricing. Although, we can only hope for the best.
We can dream of it.
The current trends seem to indicate higher tariffs, taxes and protectionism; all opposite of FTAs. Unless I am misreading the situation.
Tesla cars and Starlink might make entries though
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Hoping that India-USA finalize a FTA in the next 9 months.. Wanted to know which all fantastic hifi products can we look forward to once the deal is finalized.
Cheaper Magnepans is something I am looking forward to as I have long wanted the 1.7is...
Is this only applicable for things that are manufactured in US and then imported to India, otherwise if it was possible to get the Revels at prices similiar to US prices, that would have been fantastic.
Once they get the taste for selling products for higher price, I don't think any seller would want to reduce the costs.

Have you observed any product that had its cost reduced after the covid period. Covid bought the great demand for home theatres and the costs have only gone up and now no company wants to sell them around the old pricing. Although, we can only hope for the best.
Actually its not just demand that drove the prices up, its also inflation.
Is this only applicable for things that are manufactured in US and then imported to India, otherwise if it was possible to get the Revels at prices similiar to US prices, that would have been fantastic.
The FTA if and when it happens will be applicable on products made in the USA ... So products need to be attested by the manufacturers that they were made in the USA and therefore zero/lesser duties will be applicable...

Which is why Magnepans, McIntosh and such could have zero or very low duties .. Since Trump is threatening reciprocal duties, I think our government will reduce the import duties on electronics to zero so that we can export the electronics made in India to the USA.. There is hardly any consumer electronics which are made in the USA and sold in India apart from a few high end products and medical equipment/devices... So it would be in the interest of India to make duties zero so that the Samsungs, LGs , Apples can make in India and export it to the USA .. In the bargain, we could import american electronics with zero duties as well...

Fingers crossed....
In the bargain, we could import american electronics with zero duties as well...

Fingers crossed....
Panditji, we always keep our fingers crossed for our audio aspirations, but some how it gets double crossed with high taxes and duties here.
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