@Saket really strange since SL-Q33 is quite a popular model. Then again all the data tabulated there may not be fully correct, so to be used with due diligence.
I found this list very useful for the people who want to get a Technics TT and think that sl1200/1210 is the only one to have. There are many others in the list with very similar specs to 1200's but relatively unknown(i.g. SL-3200/5100). I've heard 5100 and it's very nice TT. These TT's can be found on the bay/local market relatively cheap also as most people search for 1200's. Hence new entrants can use this list to their advantage.
.......I personally feel that our emotional excitement to the sound reproduced should be the criteria overlooking the brand,arm and cartridge etc . But human mind loves to relate products to it;s brand, price, reputation, reviews .
my father (who by far is the most knowledgeable turntable man, both from an audio and engineering perspective, who I have come across) used to always say, during our debates on the different types of turntables, "Son, many people spend years together tweeking their turntables to achieve minute differences, the clever people are those who set up a decent turntable and then leave it to focus on the pre-amplification. The differences with effective equalization are much more significant". Unfortunately he never documented his knowledge or we could have had an encyclopedia on the subject. These were the days before the internet.
Bottom line is that its all about perception, like sachin tendulkar once said "cricket is a simple game, somebody throws a ball at you and you have to hit it". The objective of using a turntable or cd player is to listen to music. Those who keep it simple, enjoy their music the most. I have a CEO friend who can afford to spend over a crore on audio equipment but still uses an old record player with built in amp to listen to his records. What is important is how you enjoy your music the most.
IMHO & without trying to raise any argument, in our modest home listening setup,any of these Technics machine will perform(obviously with a proper cartridge is installed) very well. I've used 11 TT's of various make and status (frm Garrard301/401 to Sherwood/Aiwa beltdrive and in betweens) and in my setup they all sounded reasonably good. The difference 'due to TT' was never very dramatic. Ok, being it a hobby, I kept on collecting other TT's as and when they came in my way. But SQ wise I think we should not be breaking our head for some particular brand or model. Bcos of all this we stop enjoying the music and become technical maniac. We stop appreciating what our system is giving us and continuously worry about that 1 or 2% extra 'pseudo' performance we could have extracted from the system.
Now if we follow the table closely, it's quite obvious that the performance of most of the tables are very close. Here, also, we have to keep in mind that performance criteria of the TT's are measured using various scopes and not by listening. So I doubt how much that measured performance differences are discernible to our ear. Even people with so called very very.... high end system are always continuously tweaking/upgrading(when they cannot tweak their system anymore, they start tweaking their listening room ). Here sky is the limit.....and we must have our feet firmly grounded.
So finally, as the "popular" vintage TT's are becoming more and more scarce & expensive, one, in need, should look for these lesser known models. They may not be that popular but they are all reasonably good.