Vinyl, Turntable, Tonearm and Cartridge related Articles list


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2008
Hi all,
over the years I have collected number of articles related to Vinyls, Turntables, Tonearms and Cartridges. The subject is fun, interesting and foundation of modern high fidelity so I thought if I post list of those articles in one place someone may find it useful. As everyone knows worldradiohistory website is major source for such articles so big thanks for the website creator.

(Subject) (Author) (magazines from which one can access them).

1) Hum, Rumble and Noise - By R. E. Cooke - Wireless World October 1959
2) Vibrations in Gramophone Turntables - By R. L. West - Wireless World September 1959
3) Turntable Rumble and Pickup Arm Design - J. Walton - Wireless World September 1962
4) Limiting Factors in Gramophone Plastic Deformation and wear of groove walls - D. A. Barlow - Part 1 - Wireless World May 1957
5) Limiting Factors in Gramophone Pickup Design Continuity of stylus Groove Contact - Part 2 - Wireless World June 1957
6) Inner Groove Distortion - R. S. Oakley Jr. - Audio June 1962
7) Pickup for low record wear - J. Walton - Wireless World April 1959
8) Pickup Design - J. Walton - Wireless World July 1960
9) Turntables - Joseph F. Grado - Audio
I) Do turntable affect sound - June 1977
ii) Turntable and noise - July 1977
iii) Tonearm Design and other things - August1977
iv) Arm/Cartridge Resonance - October1977
10) Gramophone Record Deformation - J. Walton - Wireless World July 1961
11) Groove Deformation in Gramophone records - Wireless World April 1964
12) Pickup Arm Problems - John K. Murray - Wireless World April 1964
13) How records are made - Gary Stock - Audio June 1980
14) Mats & Clamps by the number -Edward M. Long - Audio April 1988
15) Phonograph Reproduction 1978 - Anderson, Happ, Jakobs, Karlov, Kogen, Mastricola - Audio May 1978
16) Phonograph Reproduction 1978 - Anderson, Happ, Jakobs, Karlov, Kogen, Mastricola - Audio June 1978
17) Stereophonic Record Pickup - F. Oakes - Wireless World January 1959
18) An Approach to pickup arm design - J.S. Wright - Wireless World April 1967
19) Better Pickup Arm Performance - Len feldman - Radio Electronics - January 1980
20) Understanding Turntable Specifications - Len feldman - Radio Electronics - February 1980
21) I) Practical Parallel tracking pickup arm Part 1 - Rod cooper - Wireless World December 1979
ii) Practical Parallel tracking pickup arm Part 2 - Rod cooper - Wireless World January 1980
22) Parallel tracking Pickup arm modification and improvements - rod cooper - Wireless World July 1981
23) The Bizarm - Ernie Lowinger - Wireless World December 1977
24) I) Pickup arm Design Techniques 1 - Tejinder Singh Randhawa - Wireless World March 1978
Ii) Pickup arm Design Techniques 2 - Tejinder Singh Randhawa - Wireless World April 1978
25) Mercury Switch for Parallel tracking pickuparm - Rod Cooper - Wireless World April 1980
26) Simple Pickup arm Design - David Read - Wireless World November 1980
27) Understanding Phono Cartridges - S. Pramanik - Audio March 1979
28) i) A New Turntable Arm Design - Edgar Villchur part 1 - Audio September 1962
ii) A New Turntable Arm Design - Edgar Villchur part 2 - Audio October 1962
29) I) The Skating Force Phenomenon - James H. Kogen - Audio October 1966
ii) The Skating Force Phenomenon - James H. Kogen - Audio November 1966
30) The Diamond as a Phonograph Stylus material - E.J. and M.V. Marchu - Audio Engineering July 1950
31) I) Torsional Stability and the Unipivot - J. Bickerstaffe - Wireless World January 1966
ii) Torsional Stability and the Unipivot - J. Bickerstaffe - Wireless World February 1966
32) Measuring Gramophone Pickup Performance - J. Walton - Wireless World December 1967
33) Tracking Capability of Phonograph Pickups - J.G. Woodward - Audio March 1967
34) I) Trackability 1973 - J. Kogen B. Jakobs, F. Karlov - Audio November 1966
ii) Trackability 1973 - J. Kogen B. Jakobs, F. Karlov - Audio August 1973
35) Design of transcription Turntables - E. W. Mortimer - in house magazine of the Plessey Group - Google Search for pdf.
36) i) The Lateral Mechanical impedance of Phonograph Pickups - J. G. Woodward, J. B. Halter - Audio engineering June 1953
ii) The Lateral Mechanical impedance of Phonograph Pickups - J. G. Woodward, J. B. Halter - Audio engineering July 1953
37) Skating Force Mountain or molehill - R. S. Oakley Jr. - Audio March 1967
38) Dynamic Thrust in pickups - J. F. Crabbe - Wireless World May 1960
39) Understanding Tonerams - S. K. Pramanik - Audio June 1980
40) Equivalent Mass Fact or fiction - Roger Anderson - Audio March 1978
41) A New Concept in Diamond Styli - Dr. Hedi Benx - Audio August 1972
42) A Practical High Frequency Trackability test for Phono Pickups - C. R> Anderson, P. W. Jenrick - Audio August 1972
43) How we test a Phono Cartridge - Magazine Article - Audio August 1972
44) Phono Cartridge Q. and A. Mainly for beginners - Magazine Article - August 1972
45) i) Pickup Arm Design 1 - J. K. Stevenson - Wireless World May 1966
iii) Pickup Arm Design 2 - J. K. Stevenson - Wireless World June 1966
46) Determining the tracking Capabilities of a Pickup - H. E. Roys - Audio engineering May 1950
47) Pickup Arm Design Requirements for low tracking weight and immunity from vibrations - J. Walton - Wireless World June 1959
48) Versatile Stereophonic Pickup Necessity for a low tip mass - J. Walton - Wireless World August 1961
49) Stylus Mass and distortion - J. Walton - Wireless World April 1963
50) SOUND Chapter 1 - Edgar M. Villchur - Audio September 1956
High Fidelity Standards Chapter 2 - Edgar M. Villchur - Audio November 1955
The Sound Reproducing System Chapter 3 - Edgar M. Villchur - Audio December 1955
Disc Recording Chapter 4 - Edgar M. Villchur - Audio January 1956
Pickups, Tonearms and needles Chapter 5 - Edgar M. Villchur - Audio February 1956
51) Pickup Tracking errors - Edgar M. Villchur - March 1952
52) High Fidelity phonograph Cartridge - Technical Seminar by SHURE Co. - Search title in google

Notes :
- Have posted this in various forums
- Most articles can be found in worldradiohistory website
- For others search in google buy title in quotation marks.
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