Arvind Mathur
Could you explain why the guy at Cinebals did not promote Integra drx 5.4? Is service an issue? Or too many complaints?When I was at cinebels I went to audition RZ50 and R-600 F but when I hear couldn’t ignore RP series also one of reason is RP series has less physical dimensions (depth) .
So when at last I asked about Integra model the person there informed not to go for integra which was surprise . I had in mind DRX 5.4 . So couldn’t audition DRX 5.4 .
Also initially atmos speakers I choose was R40 SA but they were on shortage and stock was not expect for 20-30 days hence went for RP 500 SA ii
Incidentally I am also eyeing Integra drx 8.4