Weird amplification requirement for PSB + Paradigm


lucky guy.. .. maybe i must show this post to my parents too !!

Let me know what u think of the NAD C356.

Personally i think.. you must look at FS now + a new amp ( if you are unsatisfied with the NAD C326 ). That will take you to a different level and make the money spent worth it.

I hear there is a good deal on the new Paradign Monitor 11v7's.. contact your Pune Paradigm rep to find out. I was to audition the Monitor 11's on Saturday but i backed out as i was frankly afraid to spend in the range of 60k.

Maybe you may want to up the ante by looking at the paradigm Studio 20's .. which are similar to the Titans in size but much superior.


My advice, wait and watch, they'll always know what their son/daughter really wants and the moment they can afford it you'd know.

FS isn't really an option considering I stay in a very small flat. So most upgrade plans will be around bookshelves and sources. The studio 20s have been on my trigger, but as of now I am content with the Titans, I am not replacing them till they keep surprising me with their ability to handle better and better amplification.

For the record, these have seen a Denon 1611 -> NAD C315 -> C326 and soon a C356 and everytime the Titan's have made sure they justify the better amplification.

before you pull the trigger on the C356.. if you come to Mumbai sometime.. you can listen to these at my home.

I got my C356 from Dubai.. it worked out much cheaper as i had someone carry it for me. I dont know what you are being quoted here. Lakozy / NAD are costly.

happy birthday ruenigma..

btw, i agree with the view that the Titans are hard to let go. I auditioned a few Fs recently and i think my titans come real close to many "common" FS. Even more surprising as i have a largish listening area.

This closeness to Monitor 7 may be why the Titans were dropped from the latest product range.

Thanks for all the wishes guys.

Got the C356BEE. Better sense prevailed when we did a home A/B between the 326 and 356. The 356 is definitely better with the following

1. A lot better control over the Titans' tweeters. They were nicely rounded and a lot less screechy (The C375 did the best job of here course).
2. The instrument separation was noticeably better.
3. The mids is where there is not much improvement. Whatever improvement I heard I can safely dismiss as placebo.
4. The lower mids were a different area altogether. There is substantially more heft than the 326 could manage. The disproportionately large midbass driver of the Titans was really well behaved with this.
5. Its not nearly as warm as 326 or even the 375 which is really weird. Sounds brighter and not in a bad way necessarily. There's noticeably more energy in the highs than both the 326 and 375.
6. Speaker A/B :D
7. Two Pre-outs.
8. MDC upgradabilty.
10. And lastly the 3d depth is perceptibly better. Even my parents mentioned it withing 5 minutes of listening.

All in all the nearly 15k price premium over the C326 justifies itself in almost departments except the Mids .
I've ordered the MDC variant and will get the MDC DAC (Yeah right, another DAC in the house, laugh at me) in a day or two. Will post the detailed impressions once I burn it in.

Some hastily taken pics.








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congrats rueningma.. do go thru my post opn the NAD C356 and i think your listening experiences will mirror mine. I call it an "agressive Rahul Dravid".

Please pm me the damages for the C356. Just curious to know the nett price to the user.


before you pull the trigger on the C356.. if you come to Mumbai sometime.. you can listen to these at my home.

I got my C356 from Dubai.. it worked out much cheaper as i had someone carry it for me. I dont know what you are being quoted here. Lakozy / NAD are costly.


How expensive was the nad in Dubai ? I'm looking to buy the 326bee
@ruenigma, Which other integrated amplifiers did you have in mind? I am also shopping for one.

And eyeing Exposure 2010S2, which is also around 60-65k. However, it is only available from Bangalore, and no easy way to audition it, especially with PSB Image T6 speakers. This one has great amount of praise from everywhere, but not much experience on HiFiForum.
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