What do you do with your older TV?

I would like to replace my tube tv. The only limitation being the greens for a new and another fifty incher for my bedroom. For now, my 29" Philips HD Ready tube tv serves my bedroom. It is used no more than an hour on most days, a little longer on a weekend at the most. It works great. The contrast and black levels are in a different league even when compared to a plasma. If I had to give it away, it might land up at a friends place who has little use for a tv.
When I got my first LCD 6 years back, my old 29" CRT was giving me some problem. The guy who took it for repair told me that he will sell the same after repairing and give me some amount from the proceed. I agreed, as I never had space for that one. Few days down he told me parts are difficult to get, so I can collect it. I never bothered, so I hope he managed to repair it and sold it.

Now after I bought the new 51" Plasma, I have shifted the good ol 32" Sony LCD to bedroom for the Kiddies to watch Toons. Others rarely watch it. By the way, you don't need to hand over the old TV to the dealer to get the exchange benefit. That is what few dealers told me. In fact, that is how the prices I paid were so lower when I got the new TV.
I keep my old 29" Sony Vega in the bedroom where my wife watches all those tearjerker soaps. Since our timings clashes and I cant stand those serials, I watch movies etc in my den on the LCD. 2 TVs for 2 peaple! Rest of the time we watch the Old one only, because it is placed in a comfortable setup. It has never been touched by any mechanic yet, touch wood!:ohyeah:
vnmathur57;524655. 2 TVs for 2 peaple! [/QUOTE said:

Nothing Unuseual

My parents place - 2 TVS for 2 Persons......( 29 CRT & 20" LCD)

My Brother Place - 2 TVS ( 40" LCd & 22" LCD) for 2 Adults and 2 year old baby

Myself - 2 ( +1) TVS ( 42" LCd & 22" LCD) for 2 Adults and 6 year old baby - also have a 10" TV lying around ,working , if I connect it to cable then there is perfect 1:1 ratio!...........

yeah, it is now quite usual to equip each room in the house with a TV. It is now more or less part of the furnishings!
1. MY 1994 21' videocon TV serves for my parents when they visit me from time to time. This has a separate sound PCB as big as the main TV PCB. Two separate detachable stereo speakers with a two way units in the main box and a surround unit on top of it completes the sound system. The surround button is separate in the remote.
For the first time the power supply unit is faulty and the local mechanic is struggling with it for the last three weeks. Alternative is 1800/- TV circuit as replacement but I will lose the sound board. My parents are comfortable with this TV besides nostalgic value being the first colout tv bought by them.

2. My 2000 main videocon 21" Bazoomba TV with double WOOFERS at the same time is down with power supply problem and is now under repair. Again the sound is very good. I have been toying with buying LEDs but their short life vis a vis CRT and the pathetic sound output has made me dither on the purchase. I can add sound bars etc but nothing beats the convenience of single button woofer on and off of Bazoomba set. I am reading all TV threads to form an idea.
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I already gave my Philips 29 CRTto my parents ....now mother is planning to "upgrade" to LCD if budget permits. The exchange value is pathetic 1.5 o max 3 k.

Now if my Mother will upgrade I am planning to take it back and keep it at in laws.They have perfectly working 21" -which they can move it to other room

Self -> parents -> in-laws ... hmmm interesting :-)
Guys - Hats off to the good old CRT's for durability. They go on and on .. My Granny's Sony Trinitron is still working ok after 10-15 years. A lot of people here have or had CRT's that
were still working.

I wish the LED and Plasma last 5- 10 years...
Keep it in my bedroom :) It's riddiculously small but I can watch it from time to time. It still works so...
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