What extra accessories do we need apart from AVR and speakers ?


Active Member
Sep 6, 2012
Dubai, UAE

Apart from AVR and speakers, what else do we need to purchase ?

I contacted Harmonie , Kolkata and he said me this,

QED 42 strand speaker wire is Rs.100/- per meter.
QED 79 strand speaker wire is Rs.200/- per meter.
Banana plugs and temination extra.
QED Banana plugs are Rs.700 a piece.
MX Banana plugs are Rs.50/- a piece.
Termination Rs.50/- a piece.
For 5 speakers you will need 20 number of banana plugs and terminations.
You can use bare wires also for that you won't need banana pugs and termination.

Using Banana plugs will add more 15k to the total expenditure :sad:

Can we use direct wires ?
Any problem ? :sad:

Apart from AVR and speakers, what else do we need to purchase ?

I contacted Harmonie , Kolkata and he said me this,

Using Banana plugs will add more 15k to the total expenditure :sad:

Can we use direct wires ?
Any problem ? :sad:

Banana plugs are not really needed unless you want move speakers regularly.
Get MX banana plugs as they will work equally well if you are not the scientific discerning types. Honestly wires too is a contentious issue. Try and get cheaper MX wire (or any other pure copper wire) which is at least 16/18 AWG and you would be set.
As brought out any pure copper wire of 16/18 AWG will do the job. Banana plugs not required.

There can be a large list of accessories which you can buy. Depends on you. Some of them would be:-

1. Speaker stands/mounts.

2. Stand for AVR.

3. DVD/BD rack.

4. Media player/BDP/DVDP etc.

5. Cable -interconnects/HDMI/AV as you prefer.

The list can be endless...
I have both QED42 and DAC cables. Both have good build quality. I am yet to use the QED cables to connect my surround speakers. For the fronts I'm using DAC cables and they are really good. The DAC cables are marked clearly to distinguish between +ve and -ve terminals where as with the QED it is a little tricky as there is no visible markings. My suggetsion - get the DAC cables from hifimart.com. Excellent service and I got the cables in flat two days. Banana plugs or spades are required only if you want to remove the cables frequently. Bare wire is best to make the connection.
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