VK, bro!
Nitin Bhai has already led you to the right path, but just so other FMs also understand better and guide you right:
If so, they will each individually require suggestions depending on your requirements. But that's what us FMs are here for (not me, others

Either a Denon 3xxx series or a Marantz 60 and above or an Arcam 4 series...
Sorry, person, but it is what it is...
Nitin Bhai has already led you to the right path, but just so other FMs also understand better and guide you right:
Three systems?So i have a whole bunch of different things going on right now, sound-wise, hence the various unrelated questions popping up here. (Tl;DR version - have finally moved to a place where i can set up my sound system the way i want, and so am trying to put together a bedroom system, main system and HT system).
If so, they will each individually require suggestions depending on your requirements. But that's what us FMs are here for (not me, others

Sports are some of the worst offenders when it comes to quality, so it doesn't need any correction.I moved my Marantz PM6007 and Wharfedale 225s/Taga something subwoofer to my TV once I got my NAD/Sonus Faber/PSB system up and running. Neither my wife or I am big TV buffs - I mainly watch some sports on it
Ditto shows.and we occasionally binge on some shows
This is where the conversation begins...and perhaps one movie a week.
Room dimensions, sir?But i liked the sound with the PM6007 enough to consider getting a decent HT setup for the TV for those few times we do watch movies or TV show. So here we are.
I dont like/care enough about movies to invest the time some of you guys do in getting your HT system up and running. Want something that gives me a decent immersive experience,
From the top of my mind, QA and Dali boolkshelves... they are exactly as you describe -- not shouty and will live with 50W power for your required dBs...isnt bright/shrill and can be enjoyed at normal volumes (no reference quality stuff). And most importantly, something that is easy to set up. Receiver power is not an issue - even 50WPC should be more than enough to drive the system to the levels I will be listening (70-75dB).
Diagrams please!Our TV is also a little unusually located - it isnt in the main living room, but in a 10' x 11' alcove off it, and the TV is off to one side, to make room for a hallway opening. So the speakers are going to be a litte off center - as such, I assume some room correction/analysis built into the receiver would be good to have.
4K today, 8K ready.What other features should i be looking for? Some other points to consider:
Plan for bigger TV, next gen console.- I dont have a very complicated setup - Apple TV source (I have no idea if it is a 4k unit or not - it is about 3 years old), 58" TV (HD only, not 4k), maybe a PS4 - or a PS5 if i upgrade, although i am not a hard core gamer. I dont see this changing or increasing
Get them today, and not regret later,- I dont mind paying a little more for something which is not functionally compromised and i dont see myself upgrading for atleast 2-3 years, if at all.
Good ceiling speakers cost a lot.- I am undecided on the Atmos/7 channel capabilities - part of me says "why not get them if it is only going to cost a little more" and the other part goes "meh, you wont use it and if you do, you can always change the receiver)
Defo, you do need them. What are you, a Dino?- I dont know what emerging technologies i should try to get - eArc, HDMI 2.1, etc

Nope. You need at least 1x series above, and considering all your requirements, a 10x costing AVR than what you have in mind.I was looking at the Denon BT250/550 series but the lack of room correction was an issue. So now thinking of the Yamaha RX-4VA, which has room correction. Given my needs above, does this sound right to you?
Finger pointing above emoji...Alternatively, how much more would it be to pony up for an Atmos-capable receiver which meets my other requirements
Either a Denon 3xxx series or a Marantz 60 and above or an Arcam 4 series...
Sorry, person, but it is what it is...
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