I have almost same combination...Sony bluray player as source ...connected to Denon x 3600 H via HDMI....Denon is connected to all surrounds and subwoofer...(REL)...connected the Denon' s front preouts to Marantz 6007 stereo as bi.amping...I also have the CXN v2 ...I have connected the source Sony to cxn v2 by coaxial.while connecting cxn ' s RCA out to Marantz analogue input..Marntz speker oits are connected to Monitor Audio passive speakers via bi amping and bi wiring...all items connected to separate power sources...when I listen home theatre I swich off CXN ....but both Denon and Maranz would be swiched on.while playing home theatre.......while playing music I swich off Denon, keep the Marantz and cxn on...same source Sony player...no need to buy or sell anything...your front speakers should be bi wirable...and to enhance the effect of music ypu can use CXN v2 preamp mode feeding to Marantz....heaven....this is the best solution,...I think...it works beautifully for me...