Bunch of blanks
A bunch of blanks that i picked from different places last month...
Being a tapehead myself i can't tell enough you how indispensable the blanks are....
I mainly use these create good analogue copies of my spools and few vinyls...
I have a small collection of 300+ 7" spool which i plan to rip it to cassette and I intend to use these for my first batch....Some of them are long play at 3 3/4 IPS so each spool can hold 3 hours of music....
As far as the blank goes most of them were TDKs...
Type I
Handful of D90's assembled in USA
A bunch of vintage D60's from 1982
Few mediocre B60s and Maxells UEs
Few sony HF 90s
SONY EF 90 (just got hold of one) (I really like the quality of EFs and SUPER EFs)
Probably a rare TDK DSX (a special tape for high speed dubbing..not sure if someone else have used these...)
Type II
Half a dozen TDK CD Power 90...these are avilyn formation...should be good...
Ironically only a couple of Maxell Metal CD 90... Will have to see how good are these....
Type II and IV have become really scarce...the ebay prices are ridiculous...
NAC Type II blanks are real value for money..the only down side is you have to purchase as a lot and shipping to India is again a royal pain in the neck...