What is your configuration for Computer Audio?

The last one I used was Audiophilleo 1 with battery and then somebody directed me towards Dante - audio over IP. And when I tried that, I got convinced that all these folks are trying to do something (shooting in dark) and going nowhere. Please take a look at following products.


These two are hooked to an PoE router, one device takes input as USB source and the digital from the other device will go to DAC.
External reclocker vs. USB:i2s converter (e.g. Singxer) vs. USB:Coaxial Converter (e.g. M2 Tech/Berkeley) vs. USB input on the DAC

Has anyone compared the results, other things remaining the same?


I have not made the comparison for i2s so no opinion on that. However I have done a fair bit with USB as you know.

The only reason USB is in play is because it is the only interface that supports DSD. So if you don't use/need DSD I would suggest going with AES / SPDIF into your DAC. This is widely regarded as very good sound and better than USB. Either way the re-clocker/converter route is superior to USB in my opinion.

Having said that - all USB cables/connections are not the same. The developments by USB interface manufacturer Amanero and USB fixers like Uptone Audio USB Regen/ISO Regen have made USB a very viable option. I use both and they have made USB extremely good in my setup. I have the Total DAC USB cable right now and I can honestly say that the sound is extremely good.

Hope this helps.


External reclocker vs. USB:i2s converter (e.g. Singxer) vs. USB:Coaxial Converter (e.g. M2 Tech/Berkeley) vs. USB input on the DAC

Has anyone compared the results, other things remaining the same?


Since then I upgraded to a M2evo2/clock2, but once I started playing DSD then as Nikhil stated only 1xDSD can be played back vis spdif or aes/ebu in some DAC's and some don't allow any DSD other than usb connections. However pre DSD I found the best results with AES/EBU (digital) from my M2tech evo2/clock2 to my Ayon Skylla II DAC. However now I have totally given up reclocking and am using USB exclusively but with dedicated USB cards and/or USB regenerators in both my systems. I have not yet messed with I2S converters but am considering that.
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The only reason USB is in play is because it is the only interface that supports DSD. So if you don't use/need DSD I would suggest going with AES / SPDIF into your DAC. This is widely regarded as very good sound and better than USB. Either way the re-clocker/converter route is superior to USB in my opinion.

True Nikhil. I like my music upsampled to DSD which is why I use USB-in on my DAC. I tried USB-SPDiF conversion but then the upsampling is restricted (in my case) to PCM 192 KHz which doesn't sound as good. I also tried the Uptone Reclocker and it appeared to make only a marginal improvement. Anyone tried these?:
What happened to the Audiocadabra? Is the Totaldac much better? Did you try any others before settling on it?

TotalDAC is in a different league to be fair.
Organic and easy on the ears without taking anything away from the music.

I have the Audiocadabra Optimus3 Solid-Copper Power-Isolated USB cable also.
But am enjoying the TotalDAC so that experiment has been postponed.

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TotalDAC is in a different league to be fair.
Organic and easy on the ears without taking anything away from the music.

I have the Audiocadabra Optimus3 Solid-Copper Power-Isolated USB cable also.
But am enjoying the TotalDAC so that experiment has been postponed.


Nice! Do you use the Totaldac in addition to a reclocker. And have you compared the Totaldac with and without a reclocker?

Yes. At the moment I have the TotalDAC cable going to the USB Regen.
Regen then goes into the either the DAC or Job INT.

I prefer the sound with the USB Regen in my setup.


Lumin U 1 Network Music Transport / Player and Ayon Audio ' Stratos' reference DAC pre.

QNAP NAS TS 251A , Acoustic Revive double head USB cable.
Anyone uses Raspberry Pi + HiFi dac -> external Dac/pre setup?
I have a Raspberry Pi currently. Planned to get a HifiDac board to fee Coaxial to my Digital Pre.
Only 2 channels.
Anyone uses Raspberry Pi + HiFi dac -> external Dac/pre setup?
I have a Raspberry Pi currently. Planned to get a HifiDac board to fee Coaxial to my Digital Pre.
Only 2 channels.

I used to long time ago
Then understood the short comings of the RPI.
But it's ok with what we pay for it
If it's for casual listening it's pretty much ok

Else I would suggest you to buy aloo sparky board and use aloo usbridge or digione

The PSAudio Lanrover:

Sometime ago I had requested suggestions from FMs on optimizing the Mac Mini for music. Following that, I experimented with add-on devices including the Uptone reclocker, etc. I didn't want to open up the Mac Mini to mod it in anyway. Some more research and this is what I ended up with:
1. PS Audio Lanrover USB transporter
PSAudio's website states that the product "LANRover is like the Power Plant of digital audio—cleaning, isolating, regenerating and newly formatting USB musical data, a process that dramatically improves audio performance with any DAC. LANRover is a matched pair solution to the problems of USB audio. The first of the two devices connects to the USB output of the computer or server. Here, timing, noise, jitter, ground, and power supply voltages from the computer are abandoned, and a new individually packetized datastream is regenerated. Unlike USB audio packets, these new data are in a different format, one that does not suffer USB’s shortcomings." The datastream travels over an ethernet cable that can be as long as 100 metres, overcoming the limitations of USB, to the second device, the Receiver, that regenerates the USB signal feeding the DAC. The reclocker is powered by the Mac Mini USB and the Receiver by 5v DC power via the supplied wall-wart.
Here's a pretty detailed review of the product:

2. Next, I replaced the supplied Cat5 cable with an SOTM Cat7 cable. (I also tried BJC Cat 6a which comes pretty close to the SOTM at a fraction of the price).

3. I replaced the Receiver power supply with an iFi iPower power. iFi claims that their product has a noise floor far lower than even an LPS.

4. Added a Voodoo Cables IEC to C7 converter to the Mac Mini and connected a Sonic Horizons Hurricane Power Cable. This is a 11 AWG cable that comes with Twin Extra Large RFI-Zero Noise Suppressors and hospital grade connectors.

The results: Stunning! Big improvement in resolution, sharply focussed instrument boundaries, great imaging and depth. Paradoxically, the improvement is far more pronounced in mp3 tracks. Perhaps the scope of improvement on mp3 files is much more than with hires/ uncompressed files.

I know that for the amount I spent, there are competing products like Auralic Aries, Microendu and so on. But this has allowed me to stick to the convenience of my Mac Mini with Audirvana +, TIDAL, Youtube capabilities and I'm extremely satisfied with the end result.



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Congrats on the new device sir
Agreed the the network audio adapters are sort of an in thing on digital audio right now but it's always best when a component added won't change the way you listen to your music

With lanrover you can still use YouTube to listen music and the added advantage of it improving the MP3 which is how YouTube audio is served to us

And I think it should be doing some things right as you said uptone regen was not a big improvement

Obviously individual to individual and setup to setup the mileage may vary
I am using a legacy Core2Duo Dell Inspiron laptop with 2 gig RAM (without its display as it came off after a fall) as a headless music player running a highly optimized barebone windows 7 32 bit (with only security and LAN network enabled) and foobar2000 with WASAPI as the the music player.
Its network card is set to a static IP.
I have my music files in a separate 1TB hard disk connected to the internal DVD drive using a caddy.
The DAC is the TEAC UD-301 and I am using an Audioquest cable.
Will soon be replacing the headless laptop with a headless mac mini as it looks more aesthetic :).
I control the headless laptop with my main laptop using TeamViewer.
No lags, pops or latency of any kind even with high resolution files.

Will move over to SSD once prices fall.
I am using a legacy Core2Duo Dell Inspiron laptop with 2 gig RAM (without its display as it came off after a fall) as a headless music player running a highly optimized barebone windows 7 32 bit (with only security and LAN network enabled) and foobar2000 with WASAPI as the the music player.
Its network card is set to a static IP.
I have my music files in a separate 1TB hard disk connected to the internal DVD drive using a caddy.
The DAC is the TEAC UD-301 and I am using an Audioquest cable.
Will soon be replacing the headless laptop with a headless mac mini as it looks more aesthetic :).
I control the headless laptop with my main laptop using TeamViewer.
No lags, pops or latency of any kind even with high resolution files.

Will move over to SSD once prices fall.

Ahh you are the fourth person I know whose moving to a Mac. What advantages and improvements, sound quality wise do you see with the Mac?


Need some input in terms of what source e.g. laptop etc. as a source would be better that can go well with following setup to play music.
Also, I wanted to check if i can use these to make stereo only setup. This will be a secondary setup, will be occasionally used as I am mostly into movies. My Marantz and other Wharfedale FS is very good for that occasional music.

Pioneer AVR VSX921-k and two bookshelf speakers from Wharfedale
A Sony BD Player , Audio Technica M40 , Sennheiser HD598
My source has been only Saavn and iPod.
Ahh you are the fourth person I know whose moving to a Mac. What advantages and improvements, sound quality wise do you see with the Mac?


lol....you would not ask this question knowing me well :)......
I picked it up for a measly 5k with 8GB RAM, 320GB HDD. I will be throwing out the DVD and putting in a 1TB hard disk, waiting for the caddy which is on its way from China.

I already have upgraded the OS to El Capitano with Audirvana and also have the windows via bootcamp. TeamViewer being platform independent, I can control either OS from my laptop.

Guess I will most;y settle down on windows bootcamp partition only for serious listening as I am more comfortable with windows....
Mac OS for audio optimization will be a new venture for me.
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