This tweak (if you may call it so) applies to only Marantz PM series Integrated amplifiers.
Following comprises of my Ultra high-end audio set up
- Source: Marantz CD6004
- Amplification: Marantz PM6004
- Speakers: KEFQ300 (ex), Wharfedale diamond 225(now showing)
- Chord cables, DAC interconnects and Isoacoustics stands
- My audiophile ears, brain, interconnects inside and beloved couch

When it comes to audio, I have this OCD, so I rarely tweak. I belong to the camp, set it up and forget it (a.k.a lazy/couch potato

). My amp, Marantz PM6004, has a tone defeat switch called “source direct” which is supposed to bypass the tone controls and give a shorter and cleaner signal from the CD player. There is also a “loudness” button which is supposed to give a flat response at lower volume and it’s impact tapers with increasing volume (higher volumes less impact). This is the theory or what the manufacturer claims. IMO, the loudness is overdone and instruments don’t sound real with it ON, so I normally keep it OFF. Being an aspiring purist I had been using the “source direct” engaged and this also removes the headache of fiddling with the tone controls. All was going well, WD225 has good synergy with IA, but there was some sparkle with the high end, not as pronounced as the KEF, but definitely there.
Now I have this uber expensive in-earphones, the RHA 390

, which sound warm and smooth when driven from my phone. This was an irritant as I was now listening more to the RHA than the stereo. Yesterday, I switched OFF “source direct” and with the rest of the tonal controls at 0 (center position), I had a pleasant surprise; the sparkle was gone, it sounded very organic and smooth. This means that whatever “color” the marantz tone control circuits was adding was something I liked, when bypassed it had this annoying brightness introduced into the audio. The sad fact is that it took me 7-8 years to realize this……. hmmm
So there went my purist aspirations, now my anthem is
give me Color! Something like this
Apologies for the rambling post, no pictures for you all, just turn that switch OFF and give yours a spin, you might end up enjoying it!